Boarding Registration Form


  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

  • If emergency care is required, we will use Veterinary Specialists of the Rockies in Castle Rock. In the unlikely event that a dog dies while being boarded, we will transport the dog to Veterinary Specialists of the Rockies for storage of the dog until you can be contacted by us to receive further instructions.
  • Daily Routine


  • Training Services Agreement


    Rates for boarding services for adult dogs over 8-months of age and for puppies under 8-months of age are located on our boarding page. Training sessions are $76 per hour. Clients must provide enough food, special treats and any other supplements or medications for the pet for the duration of the boarding time period. Any costs associated with providing additional food, special treats and any supplements or medications will be charged to the Client.


    A 25% non-refundable deposit of the total estimated cost for the duration of the boarding stay is required in order to reserve boarding dates. Receipt of payment of the deposit secures the boarding dates.

    Payment methods accepted are cash, check, money order or major credit card. If a check is returned for non sufficient funds, you will have 7 days to submit alternative payment and will be charged any additional bank fees incurred by Love My Dog Training.

    For all boarding and training services, payment is due no later than the time the dog is picked up from boarding.

    Liability Waiver

    We will make every effort to provide appropriate medical attention as needed, which may include veterinary hospital care. Client agrees to assume all costs associated with providing medical attention, up to the amount specified below by the Client: please fill the amount in below the Boarding Services Agreement. For amounts totaling more than this figure, we will make every effort to contact the Client or any other person(s) designated by the Client for additional instructions. If immediate medical attention is required and Client is unable to be reached, Client agrees to pay any costs incurred over the amount listed above.

    Love My Dog Training and The Light of Dog, LLC (herein referred to as "The Service Provider"),its family, acquaintances, or any other person acting on its behalf (herein referred to as “Its Agents”), makes no guarantees of performance on the part of Client or pet as a result of providing animal behavior consultation and/or training. Client agrees that The Service Provider and Its Agents will not be held liable for any damage or loss resulting from failure of the dog to respond to any signals, commands, or cues taught to the dog by The Service Provider or Its Agents or resulting from counseling and advice supplied to owner of dog.

    Client acknowledges that obedience training and behavior modification may be an activity in which damage or injury to dog(s) and/or persons may occur. Client will assume full financial and moral responsibility for the actions of his/her dog(s). Client further acknowledges that dog(s) may be exposed to a variety of environmental conditions which include, but are not limited to, vehicular travel, interaction with people and other animals, exposure to adverse weather, and exposure to areas with crowds and all types of traffic.

    Client agrees that he/she, his/her heirs, assignees and legal representatives will not make claim against, sue, or attach the property of The Service Provider or Its Agents for injury or damage done to or by dog(s) resulting from action or negligence, however caused, by The Service Provider or Its Agents. Client forever releases The Service Provider and Its Agents from any and all liability and demands which Client, his/her heirs, assignees and legal representatives may have or may hereafter have for injury or damage to or by dog(s), and assume all risks thereof.


    Client agrees that any pictures, audio or video taken by The Service Provider or Its Agents of any private training session, group class or any other activity sponsored by The Service Provider is the property of The Service Provider and can be used for marketing, promotion and training purposes by The Service Provider. Further, The Service Provider will retain exclusive and perpetual worldwide rights to such content.

    Client agrees to have their name and email address added to The Light of Dog email newsletter, which The Service Provider uses to notify clients about service and product offerings. Client can unsubscribe at any time and their email address will not be disclosed to any third party or used for any other purpose. If Client does not wish to have their name and email address added to The Light of Dog email newsletter, client can contact The Service Provider to request that they not be added.

    By signing this agreement, Client agrees that any other people who attend The Service Provider sessions with or on behalf of the Client will be bound by the terms of this agreement.

    Client and The Service Provider hereby agree to mediate and/or arbitrate any misunderstanding that may arise pursuant to the terms contained herein. In any action or proceeding arising out of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of costs and legal fees.

    This Contract supersedes all other agreements, written or oral, previously made between Client and The Service Provider.
  • I have read the above contract and agree to all terms and conditions. By selecting the submit button below, I agree to the terms and conditions set forth above.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Before submitting, we suggest you print this page so that if there is a problem, you have your responses and can easily copy them into the form again to submit.  You should be able to print a page from your browser to a PDF, assuming you have that installed.  Or, copy all the text on this page by highlighting with your mouse and paste into a word processor, like Microsoft Word or Google Docs (which is free).  

After submitting, you should get a confirmation message that says the form was successfully submitted and you will get an emailed copy of the form you submitted.  If none of this happens, then the form did not submit properly and you will have to try again.  

If the form will not submit or you cannot sign it with your mouse, the problem is likely that either that you have missed fields that require information,  your browser/computer security settings are set too high, or your browser cache needs to be cleared.  If those solutions do not work, then you might be able to print or save this page with all the information filled in as a PDF, if you have the capability installed on your computer.  If so, then you can email the PDF to us.  If none of the above works for you, you can print this page, fill it out by hand, then scan and email it back to us.