Client Corner for Puppy Preschool and Basic Training Classes
How would you like to get faster and better results with your puppy preschool or basic training class?
The one thing we have found that helps people like you the most who attend puppy preschool or basic training is learning repetition. We meet only 1-hour per week, but what would be best is if we could meet everyday so that you can learn on a repeated basis what you need to do to develop an obedient dog for your family. While this would give you maximum results, it just is not practical to pay us to meet with you everyday during the 7-week class.
So, we put together the next best thing, which is an extension of Sue Brown, the trainer at The Light of Dog, that you can use.
We have created detailed instructional videos that repeat and reinforce what Sue teaches you in class each week so that when you leave class, you can utilize the online videos daily, or as often as you want, to reinforce what she teaches. You don't have to worry about trying to remember what she said, or trying to take notes while you are handling your dog in class.
Just think how much easier it will be if you can access these videos anytime and anyplace so that you stay consistent with what you learned in class and don't have to fumble through notes or struggle to remember what Sue taught you.
But, there's more. We have created written handouts on what Sue teaches in class, so you can also use them in addition to the videos. And, the handouts are in PDF format, so you can download them if you wish and save them to your device for quick access anytime.
Lifetime Access
Finally, you have lifetime access to this training.
After class ends, you can always come back to get a refresher on what you learned in class.
Lifetime access also means that as we add to and improve the training, we will let you know via email so you can access those future updates.
Don't miss your chance for faster and better training results from daily access to what Sue teaches.
Please do not purchase Client Corner unless you are enrolled in a Puppy Preschool or Basic Training class with us. If you are interested in an online dog training course, please click here.
To purchase Client Corner for Puppy Preschool, please use this payment option:
$47.00Add to cart
To purchase Client Corner for Basic Training, please use this payment option:
$47.00Add to cart