• Looking for fun ways to train, exercise, entertain and interact with your dog? This is an introduction to Rally Obedience. While the competitive bug might hit you, this is also a great way to have fun training your dog for a reliable sit, down, stay, heel, and come. The emphasis is on heeling and more importantly, having FUN and being positive with your dog!

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Therapy Dogs Class is for those working toward their dogs becoming therapy dogs. Do you think your dog would make a good therapy dog? Are you not sure? This class will give you a good assessment of whether you and your dog might make a good team for therapy work. This class will also help you work on the skills your dog will need before you go for evaluation with whatever group you intend to work.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Come teach your dog not only how to AVOID rattlesnakes but to ALERT you to the danger!
    • No Shock Collars used
    • Simulated Snakes Only
    • Learn how to be safe in snake country

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Come teach your dog not only how to AVOID rattlesnakes but to ALERT you to the danger!
    • No Shock Collars used
    • Simulated Snakes Only
    • Learn how to be safe in snake country

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Looking for fun and different ways to keep your dog active and burning off energy? Winter weather and shorter daylight hours can make it especially difficult to burn off your dog’s energy during the winter months, though fun ways to burn off energy are good for any time of the year. This class is less about “obedience” training and more about teaching your dog to put his nose to work. Some dogs are naturals, others could use some help learning to use their noses better. This class focuses on a variety of nosework and scenting activities to help your dog have fun and burn off energy.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • We will learn basic skills for shaping behaviors and targeting and how these methods can be used to teach a variety of tricks or other fun skills. We will work on a variety of tricks such as roll over, shake, spin, crawl, and others.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

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