• Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Consultation and training services provided in the comfort of your own home.
    • This 5-session Private Training Package is offered at a discounted package rate over the session-by-session rate, consisting of the initial 90-minute consultation and 4 additional follow-up sessions of approximately 60 minutes each.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Mastered the basics and ready to take your training to the next level? Try Intermediate Training.
    • Learn to achieve better reliability under increasing distraction for leash manners, stay, come and others.
    • Learn or continue to perfect Heel.
    • Other exercises and cues as time allows and based on class participant needs or requests.
    • Dogs must have completed Basic Training or equivalent. Juvenile Delinquents Class is also highly recommended.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Juvenile Delinquents: Mind Your Manners is a class for adolescent dogs between 5 months and 2 years of age (or those who just act like adolescents). This class is designed as the next step after Puppy Preschool or Basic Training. The adolescent stage can be a difficult one which is why most dogs you see in shelters are adolescent dogs. This class is specifically to help you get through the initial stages with your “teenager”!

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • What you will get in my Basic Dog Training Online Course

      When you act now, you will get instant access to videos, handouts and worksheets to my Basic Dog Training Online Course, which includes the following:
    1. Understanding the difference between a well-trained and well-behaved dog and why that matters;
    2. Helping you work through a base level of understanding about your dog to be able to set realistic goals and expectations using our downloadable worksheet;
    3. Learning how management is critical to changing your dog’s behavior;
    4. Using the training techniques that will help you understand how dogs learn, why they do what they do, and how to effectively train them;
    5. Learning how to work through typical puppy topics such as housetraining, crate training, chewing and nipping;
    6. Understanding the four core foundation behaviors that form the basis for all other training;
    7. Helping your dog to control their impulses and learn self control as well as teaching them to come when called and great leash manners.
    …and much more.
  • Client Corner accompanies the Puppy Preschool classes:
    • Online access to a library of high quality video clips and handouts developed and produced by highly-experienced trainer Sue Brown; practicing since 1996; Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants; Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers; and author of 2 books on dog training.
    • These can be used as a refresher from class, to stay caught up if you need to miss a class, or for family members wanting to participate but unable to attend sessions.
    • Please do not purchase Client Corner unless you are enrolled in a Puppy Preschool class with us.  If you are interested in an online dog training course, please click here.
    • 7-session course with 1 class each week covering basic training for adult dogs 5 months of age and older.
    • Taught by experienced trainer in practice since 1996 with class sizes limited to 4 dogs.
    • Learn basic cues such as sit and down; good manners, such as polite greetings and impulse control at doorways; good leash manners; come when called;  stay and more.

    Or, save by purchasing the Basic Training Package. Click here for details.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

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