Rock climbing wall is now open!
Over the years, we’ve turned our farm into an exercise paradise: dog parkour objects, winding walking trails, shooting and archery ranges, an ax-throwing backstop, a horseshoe pit, Ninja Warrior bars, and even a trusty punching bag. But Eddie, our resident dreamer and daredevil, always felt something was missing—a rock climbing wall. So, he finally decided to build one. This isn't just any rock climbing wall; Eddie's masterpiece is destined to grow vertically, which he hopes to do in the coming years. Naturally, no rock wall is complete without a mural to add some flair.
Growing pains on the farm
Our attempts at growing vegetables in our regenerative garden this year were thwarted by an army of grasshoppers. They left us with nothing but stalks and shattered dreams. We had a good system working for us in prior years, but no more. We'll make adjustments, but the most exciting one…enter the chicken tunnel! We've built a nifty tunnel from the coop to the garden, letting our chickens roam free and feast on those pesky bugs. We're hoping our feathered friends will become our garden's new pest control squad in the coming years. The tunnel is not much to look at, but it is sturdy, along with the steps we built to traverse it.

The light brigade
This month, we noticed a curious theme among our boarding guests—all our furry visitors were light-colored dogs. The star of the show was Auberon, who stayed with us for an entire month while his mom was off in New York producing a play she wrote. “Lady's man” as we nicknamed him because he loved all the females, kept us entertained with his playful antics and charming personality.

Yes, apparently no-cost parking tickets exist
Here’s a first: a no-cost parking ticket! On a day off, Sue and Eddie found themselves in Vail. Eddie, ever the optimist, parked our oversized van in a too-small spot, convinced it would be fine. A parking ticket was issued, but with no charge! Why? Eddie believes it was the magic of our van, adorned with his handmade inspirational magnetic stickers, that charmed the traffic cop. Sue, ever practical, thinks the cop felt sorry for a woman who has to endure her husband’s eccentricities, like plastering the van with motivational messages. Whatever the reason, we escaped without a fine, and we’re calling that a win!