• Juvenile Delinquents: Mind Your Manners is a class for adolescent dogs between 5 months and 2 years of age (or those who just act like adolescents). This class is designed as the next step after Puppy Preschool or Basic Training. The adolescent stage can be a difficult one which is why most dogs you see in shelters are adolescent dogs. This class is specifically to help you get through the initial stages with your ā€œteenagerā€!

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • 7-session course with 1 class each week covering basic training for puppies 8-weeks to 5-months of age.
    • Taught by experienced trainer in practice since 1996 with class sizes limited to 5 puppies.
    • Learn impulse control, come, leave it, housetraining, nipping, and much more.

    Or, save by purchasing the Puppy PreschoolĀ Package.Ā Ā Click here for details.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Training sessions provided during your dog's boarding stay with us.
    • Add additional hours to the cart for more private training session.
    • 7-session course with 1 class each week covering basic training for adult dogs 5 months of age and older.
    • Taught by experienced trainer in practice since 1996 with class sizes limited to 4 dogs.
    • Learn basic cues such as sit and down; goodĀ manners, such as polite greetings and impulse control at doorways; good leash manners; come when called; Ā stay and more.

    Or, save by purchasing the Basic Training Package. Click here for details.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Consultation and training services provided in the comfort of your own home.
    • This 5-session Private Training Package is offered at a discounted package rateĀ over the session-by-session rate, consisting of the initial 90-minute consultation and 4 additional follow-up sessions of approximately 60 minutes each.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • This purchase is the initial 90-minute private consultation & training appointment only and no additional follow-up sessions are included with the purchase.
    If you wish to purchase this 90-minute private consultation & training appointment with an additional 4-sessions at a discounted package rateĀ over purchasing session-by-session, please purchase the 5-session Private Training Package here.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

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