Dog Parkour


Dog Parkour is an adaptation of parkour for humans. Sometimes called urban agility, participants utilize their environment to navigate. That might includes walls, trees, benches, or anything else in the environment to jump on or over, vault over, swing under, etc. Think of it like agility but with whatever equipment is already in the environment rather than needing special agility equipment.

Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

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Dog Parkour:

To register for this class, please do the following:

  1. Check the Group Class Schedule to find the class you want and if there is space available.
  3. Complete the Group Class Registration Form here. PLEASE COMPLETE BEFORE CLASS STARTS.
  4. Please Read This Before You Come To Class.

We will confirm receipt of your registration and payment. If you have not received confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us.

Payment Options:

  • Payment is accepted in the form of check, money order, or credit card.
  • If you are paying by check or money order, please make payable to Love My Dog Training and send to our mailing address.

Dog Parkour is an adaptation of parkour for humans. Sometimes called urban agility, participants utilize their environment to navigate. That might includes walls, trees, benches, or anything else in the environment to jump on or over, vault over, swing under, etc. Think of it like agility but with whatever equipment is already in the environment rather than needing special agility equipment.

This class can help dogs develop better conditioning, learn new skills and have some fun.

Pre-requisite: dogs must have completed at least Basic Training, preferably at least one other advanced class. Dogs must be in good health. Just as in regular agility, dogs can be injured so we want to start out in good shape and be aware of the risks. Some off-leash reliability is also very helpful.

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