Feisty Fido


This class is for dogs who are reactive toward other dogs while on leash. Reactivity could include such behaviors as barking, whining, growling, pulling toward, lunging at, hiding from or trying to run from other dogs. Some of these dogs are fine off leash with other dogs. Some are not. Some dogs are simply excited and want to play. Some dogs would fight with other dogs given the chance. Others are insecure and afraid of other dogs. Regardless of the underlying cause of the displayed behaviors, our goal is to help our dogs feel better about the situation and learn how to make better choices in the presence of other dogs.

Dogs must have completed a minimum of a Behavior Consultation with the Trainer and received permission from the Trainer in order to participate in this class.

Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

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Feisty Fido:

To register for this class, please do the following:

  1. Check the Group Class Schedule to find the class you want and if there is space available.
  3. Complete the Group Class Registration Form here. PLEASE COMPLETE BEFORE CLASS STARTS.
  4. Please Read This Before You Come To Class.

We will confirm receipt of your registration and payment. If you have not received confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us.

Payment Options:

  • Payment is accepted in the form of check, money order, or credit card.
  • If you are paying by check or money order, please make payable to Love My Dog Training and send to our mailing address

This class is for dogs who are reactive toward other dogs while on leash. Reactivity could include such behaviors as barking, whining, growling, pulling toward, lunging at, hiding from or trying to run from other dogs. Some of these dogs are fine off leash with other dogs. Some are not. Some dogs are simply excited and want to play. Some dogs would fight with other dogs given the chance. Others are insecure and afraid of other dogs. Regardless of the underlying cause of the displayed behaviors, our goal is to help our dogs feel better about the situation and learn how to make better choices in the presence of other dogs.

Dogs must have completed a minimum of a Behavior Consultation with the Trainer and received permission from the Trainer in order to participate in this class.

  • Individualized attention from highly-experienced trainer Sue Brown, practicing since 1996, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and author of 2 books on dog training.
  • Class sizes limited to 4 dogs so it will not be overwhelming.
  • Classes meet one hour per week for seven weeks.

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