Can two intact male dogs live together?

2021-10-30T20:05:11+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, The Blitzen Bulletin, The Zooka Tales|Tags: , , , , , |8 Comments

You have probably at some point heard that two intact male dogs cannot live together. They won't get along. They will fight. They will both try to be the alpha.  Will intact males dogs fight? Possibly. Neutered male dogs might also fight. Or spayed females. Or unspayed females. If there is more than one dog, there [...]

Safely breaking up a dog fight

2019-04-29T02:26:05+00:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

If your dog has ever been involved in a fight with another dog, you know what a scary and stressful situation it can be. Professionals often recommend not trying to break up a fight simply to avoid people being injured. For most of us, that’s hard to do if we fear for the safety of [...]

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