When does my dog move from adolescence to maturity?

2022-01-27T17:18:53+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.     Question: My dog just turned two years old and still acts like a puppy sometimes. I like that [...]

Harness recommendations

2024-01-29T19:09:59+00:00By |Categories: Products For My Dog|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

What equipment is best to use for walking your dog? Well, the short answer is, it depends! In part, it depends on your preferences. But mostly it depends on your dog and what will work best and make the most sense for them. Some people prefer collars of some sort. And there are several [...]

Polite greetings – visitors to your home

2024-05-29T18:08:32+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.       Question: My dog is overly friendly with everyone who visits so it’s difficult for them to get [...]

Polite greetings – teaching people to be polite to your dog

2024-05-29T18:22:16+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.     Question: We have been able to teach our dog to greet us politely when we get home, but [...]

Dogs pay more attention to vowels than we do

2021-01-29T18:14:56+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

One of the things I love about working with dogs is that we still have SO much to learn. Some fascinating studies come up here and there that make me think about what I am currently doing and how I might improve my work with dogs. In a recent study, it appears that dogs pay [...]

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