Our dog training services are delivered in almost any format that meets your needs.  We have GROUP CLASSES at our indoor and outdoor facilities on our farm,  ONLINE LIVE STREAMING classes, and SELF-PACED VIDEO-BASED training through our Online Dog Training Course.  Our PRIVATE TRAININGS can be done in-home, outside, in public dog-friendly locations, at our facility on our farm, online via phone or video conferencing and through email.

Willy is a Goldendoodle who boards with us at The Light of Dog regularly. We sometimes joke that we share custody of him since he's here so often. When dogs board with us, we keep a Boarding Log where we post daily updates and photos. We could write a book with all of Willy's adventures here, so we thought we would share a few of his stories. This is an excerpt from Willy's log, dated 10/30/20.

Boys are playing some this morning before we go for our walk. 

Observations on our morning walk. . . Zooka and I thought that Willy loved us.

Clearly, we have now realized we were conned. Willy was simply using us and playing the long game. His true motivations have become clear to us now.

He was using us for access to our property.  Earn our trust, lull us into thinking he wanted to hang out with us.

Then when we trusted him enough to turn him loose, he showed us that he really just wanted access to run free. Sniff to his heart’s content. Hunt bunnies. Chase deer. Have access to unlimited sticks to chew.

We were just a means to an end for him. We feel betrayed. . . 

When we headed out on our walk this morning, Willy had now decided that his walk is his walk and might or might not coincide with some of our walk. He pretty much takes off right away to go hunt bunnies. He will return when called. Sometimes. It takes several calls. But his main focus is not walking with us. 

We spotted some deer this morning so we got to put Willy to the test. The verdict?

Given the chance, he will chase deer. He ran to the edge of the fence and I had to go get him, he would not come to me. Finally got him to walk away.

At least two more times on the walk he started making a beeline back to where he last saw the deer. He did redirect and walk away with me when called. 

We hung out during the day, I had a zoom call and some phone calls to return so the boys mostly napped while I worked. 

Afternoon walk, I think Willy would have been fine skipping. He and I knew Zooka needs it but we could have been fine just hanging out all afternoon. Willy took off and ignored me a couple of times, did not keep track of us. Did finally come when I called him.

Then he decided he was going to redeem himself (I think he read my critique of the morning walk and figured he better put on the charm. ) Stuck with me for a while, lots of checking in, very nice. 

Then Zooka flushed a bunny and Willy happened to be right behind him. The bunny took off. Zooka took off after the bunny. Willy took off after Zooka and the bunny.

Willy is what we might call a recreational hunter. He’s yelling as they are chasing, “Woo hoo we are chasing a bunny – I am a mighty Hunter!!!!”Well, that was my loose translation of what he said, so it’s not word for word. 

The difference is that when Zooka is done, he finds me and continues on with me.

Willy, on the other hand, keeps looking after the bunny is long gone.

Zooka and I had to go back and find Willy because he was not responding to me calling him. I had to leash him up and get him to walk with us. We looped back around and headed in after that. 

So, Willy on the afternoon walk was a mixed bag! He definitely is getting into the “hunter mode” and loving it. But it does not mesh well with the “tuned-in and listening” Willy. 

We will see what tomorrow brings, but the morning walk might include more long line work for Willy if he’s not listening well.

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