Our dog training services are delivered in almost any format that meets your needs.  We have GROUP CLASSES at our indoor and outdoor facilities on our farm,  ONLINE LIVE STREAMING classes, and SELF-PACED VIDEO-BASED training through our Online Dog Training Course.  Our PRIVATE TRAININGS can be done in-home, outside, in public dog-friendly locations, at our facility on our farm, online via phone or video conferencing and through email.


My dog gets so excited when we return home. We’ve tried making him sit before petting him but we’re not seeing any success. Help!

The Trainer Answers:

Whenever a dog has a behavior we don’t like (such as jumping on us) we want to make sure they are not getting what they want (in this case our attention) by performing the unwanted behavior. Ignoring the unwanted behavior is only one step, but many people stop there. We also need to teach our dogs what TO DO in place of the unwanted behavior. If we do not teach an alternative behavior, we leave a void for the dog to fill.

You have done the right thing by trying to replace jumping with a sit. It’s always best to choose a replacement behavior that is incompatible with the unwanted behavior. Your dog cannot jump and sit simultaneously. In some cases, this can take time to change. If your dog has been reinforced with attention in the past or is still reinforced some of the time for jumping, then it can be a challenge to end the behavior. Be very consistent about not rewarding the jumping with ANY kind of attention – even saying “no” or “off” to try to stop the jumping.

The other piece to consider is whether sit is the best choice for your dog. While it’s what most dog trainers advise, it’s not the best choice in every situation or for every dog. If your dog is over-the-top excited, and sitting calmly is next to impossible, consider a more active alternative. He’s excited, so give him a more appropriate outlet for his enthusiasm.

Let me give you just one example of a possible alternative. My Greyhound Jahzara used to get very excited when I arrived home and would jump on me. Sitting was not a good option for her since she was so excited and sitting was something she could do but was not comfortable holding for long. Instead, I taught her to direct her enthusiasm in a different direction. She loved to chase as well as to play with stuffed toys. So I taught her to chase a tossed stuffed toy and bring it back to me as soon as I walked in the door. At first I had to have the toy with me or right at the door. Later, she learned to go pounce on a toy and bring it to me when I opened the door.

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