• We will learn basic skills for shaping behaviors and targeting and how these methods can be used to teach a variety of tricks or other fun skills. We will work on a variety of tricks such as roll over, shake, spin, crawl, and others.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Looking for fun and different ways to keep your dog active and burning off energy? Winter weather and shorter daylight hours can make it especially difficult to burn off your dog’s energy during the winter months, though fun ways to burn off energy are good for any time of the year. This class is less about “obedience” training and more about teaching your dog to put his nose to work. Some dogs are naturals, others could use some help learning to use their noses better. This class focuses on a variety of nosework and scenting activities to help your dog have fun and burn off energy.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Come teach your dog not only how to AVOID rattlesnakes but to ALERT you to the danger!
    • No Shock Collars used
    • Simulated Snakes Only
    • Learn how to be safe in snake country

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Come teach your dog not only how to AVOID rattlesnakes but to ALERT you to the danger!
    • No Shock Collars used
    • Simulated Snakes Only
    • Learn how to be safe in snake country

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Therapy Dogs Class is for those working toward their dogs becoming therapy dogs. Do you think your dog would make a good therapy dog? Are you not sure? This class will give you a good assessment of whether you and your dog might make a good team for therapy work. This class will also help you work on the skills your dog will need before you go for evaluation with whatever group you intend to work.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Looking for fun ways to train, exercise, entertain and interact with your dog? This is an introduction to Rally Obedience. While the competitive bug might hit you, this is also a great way to have fun training your dog for a reliable sit, down, stay, heel, and come. The emphasis is on heeling and more importantly, having FUN and being positive with your dog!

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • What is a “rabbit recall”? Do you wish your dog would respond as quickly and reliably to you as he does every time he sees a rabbit – or squirrel or another dog or whatever it is that gets him so excited he can’t think about anything else? You’ve seen how focused and fast your dog can be – now let’s get that same response when you call your dog!

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Get a package discount when you purchase several of our training-support products along with the Puppy Preschool 7-Session Puppy Dog Training Class. What's included:
    • Puppy Preschool 7-session Puppy Dog Training Class.
    • Bulk Package of our Peak Power Dog Treats that we created and produce.
    • Our Power Tugs Natural Fiber Dog Tug Toy that we created and produce.

    Additional information on what's included in this package, along with registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • 7-session course with 1 class each week covering basic training for puppies 8-weeks to 5-months of age.
    • Taught by experienced trainer in practice since 1996 with class sizes limited to 5 puppies.
    • Learn impulse control, come, leave it, housetraining, nipping, and much more.

    Or, save by purchasing the Puppy Preschool Package.  Click here for details.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Training sessions provided during your dog's boarding stay with us.
    • Add additional hours to the cart for more private training session.
  • Select this product for 1-hour dog park rental at The Light Of Dog Farm.

    • Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • This purchase is the initial 90-minute private consultation & training appointment only and no additional follow-up sessions are included with the purchase.
    If you wish to purchase this 90-minute private consultation & training appointment with an additional 4-sessions at a discounted package rate over purchasing session-by-session, please purchase the 5-session Private Training Package here.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at The Light of Dog Farm in Sedalia (west of Castle Rock).
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • This 5-session Private Training Package is offered at a discounted rate over the session-by-session rate, consisting of the initial 90-minute consultation and 4 additional follow-up sessions of approximately 60 minutes each.
    If you wish to purchase this 90-minute private consultation & training appointment with an additional 4-sessions at a discounted package rate over purchasing session-by-session, please purchase the 5-session Private Training Package here.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held via phone or video conference.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • This Initial Consultation does not include any follow-up sessions. Those may be purchased separately.
    If you wish to purchase this 60-90 minute private consultation & training appointment with an additional 4-sessions at a discounted package rate over purchasing session-by-session, please purchase the 5-session Private Training Package here.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Consultation and training services provided in the comfort of your own home.
    • Use this option if you are paying for a five-session follow-up training package.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at The Light of Dog Farm in Sedalia (west of Castle Rock).
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Use this option if you are paying for a five-session follow-up training package.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held via phone or video conference.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Use this option if you are paying for a five-session follow-up training package.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Consultation and training services provided in the comfort of your own home.
    • Use this option for follow-up private training sessions.
    If this is your first session with Sue, you must choose the Private Consultation & Training, Initial Session option.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at The Light of Dog Farm in Sedalia (west of Castle Rock).
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Use this option for follow-up private training sessions.
    If this is your first session with Sue, you must choose the Private Consultation & Training, Initial Session option.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held via phone or video conference.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Use this option for follow-up private training sessions.
    If this is your first session with Sue, you must choose the Private Consultation & Training, Initial Session option.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at your home.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • Consultation and training services provided in the comfort of your own home.
    • This 5-session Private Training Package is offered at a discounted package rate over the session-by-session rate, consisting of the initial 90-minute consultation and 4 additional follow-up sessions of approximately 60 minutes each.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private training held at The Light of Dog Farm in Sedalia (west of Castle Rock).
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • This 5-session Private Training Package is offered at a discounted rate of $50 off over the session-by-session rate, consisting of the initial 90-minute consultation and 4 additional follow-up sessions of approximately 60 minutes each.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • Select this product for private consultation and training held via phone or video conference.
    • Taught by Sue Brown, experienced trainer in practice since 1996.
    • This 5-session Private Training Package is offered at a discounted rate over the session-by-session rate, consisting of the initial consultation and 4 additional follow-up sessions of 45-60 minutes each.

    Additional information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • This class is for those who have done the Basics and want to practice in the real world! We will meet at dog-friendly locations to practice your dog’s polite behavior and social skills.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Looking to find easy ways to get going or refresh your dog's training?  Have a start (already done Puppy Class or Basic Training or equivalent) but want to continue your training? Looking for ways to help your dog burn some energy mid-day? Looking for ways to build more reliable Sits, Downs, Waits, Stays, etc. Want to add in some fun things so training is not so boring for you and your dog? At home during the day? Whether you are a stay-at-home parent, working from home, retired, or home for any other reason, this might be the ideal class for you! This "group class" is done entirely online so you can take a 30 minute break around lunchtime to train your dog. No need to drive to a class. No distractions (aside from the ones in your own home!) for your dog to deal with. Get your training session in mid-day so you don't have to focus on training your dog at the end of the day when you are tired and less inclined to want to train.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Juvenile Delinquents: Mind Your Manners is a class for adolescent dogs between 5 months and 2 years of age (or those who just act like adolescents). This class is designed as the next step after Puppy Preschool or Basic Training. The adolescent stage can be a difficult one which is why most dogs you see in shelters are adolescent dogs. This class is specifically to help you get through the initial stages with your “teenager”!

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Mastered the basics and ready to take your training to the next level? Try Intermediate Training.
    • Learn to achieve better reliability under increasing distraction for leash manners, stay, come and others.
    • Learn or continue to perfect Heel.
    • Other exercises and cues as time allows and based on class participant needs or requests.
    • Dogs must have completed Basic Training or equivalent. Juvenile Delinquents Class is also highly recommended.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

    • A downloadable PDF and access to video that covers a subtle, yet very effective, exercise in impulse control or self control.
    • Developed and taught by highly-experienced trainer Sue Brown, practicing since 1996, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, and author of 2 books on dog training.
    • Select this product for Gift Certificate from The Light of Dog.

    Additional information including payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Looking for fun ways to get or help keep your dog fit? Whether your dog competes in dog sports, is highly active, plays hard, or even just likes to be a couch potato, it’s just as important for our dogs as it is for us to build and maintain flexibility and strength. This course will help you find fun ways to help keep your dog injury free and stay fit.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Looking for fun ways to train, exercise, entertain and interact with your dog? Are you and your dog tired of the same old sits, downs, and stays? Our Fun & Games Class will introduce you to fun ways to incorporate training, fun and games together. We will introduce you to agility, rally, tricks training, nosework, and other fun ways to interact and build a stronger bond between you and your dog.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • This class is for dogs who are reactive toward other dogs while on leash. Reactivity could include such behaviors as barking, whining, growling, pulling toward, lunging at, hiding from or trying to run from other dogs. Some of these dogs are fine off leash with other dogs. Some are not. Some dogs are simply excited and want to play. Some dogs would fight with other dogs given the chance. Others are insecure and afraid of other dogs. Regardless of the underlying cause of the displayed behaviors, our goal is to help our dogs feel better about the situation and learn how to make better choices in the presence of other dogs. Dogs must have completed a minimum of a Behavior Consultation with the Trainer and received permission from the Trainer in order to participate in this class.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • For dogs who responds well on leash and now you’d like the same reliability off-leash. Focus will be on the Basic Training cues, only this time off-leash.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Dog Parkour is an adaptation of parkour for humans. Sometimes called urban agility, participants utilize their environment to navigate. That might includes walls, trees, benches, or anything else in the environment to jump on or over, vault over, swing under, etc. Think of it like agility but with whatever equipment is already in the environment rather than needing special agility equipment.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Distracted Dogs is a class for adolescent or adult dogs who are doing well with training when there are no distractions around but seem impossible to work with when there are any distractions. This class is not intended to teach the basic sit, down, come and stay. This class is designed to help you teach your dog to focus on you no matter what distractions are present.

    Additional class information including registration and payment instructions are further down this page.

  • Client Corner accompanies the Puppy Preschool classes:
    • Online access to a library of high quality video clips and handouts developed and produced by highly-experienced trainer Sue Brown; practicing since 1996; Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants; Certified Professional Dog Trainer through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers; and author of 2 books on dog training.
    • These can be used as a refresher from class, to stay caught up if you need to miss a class, or for family members wanting to participate but unable to attend sessions.
    • Please do not purchase Client Corner unless you are enrolled in a Puppy Preschool class with us.  If you are interested in an online dog training course, please click here.

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