Our dog training services are delivered in almost any format that meets your needs.  We have GROUP CLASSES at our indoor and outdoor facilities on our farm,  ONLINE LIVE STREAMING classes, and SELF-PACED VIDEO-BASED training through our Online Dog Training Course.  Our PRIVATE TRAININGS can be done in-home, outside, in public dog-friendly locations, at our facility on our farm, online via phone or video conferencing and through email.

As a trainer, you might hear me talk about mental stimulation for dogs. Puzzle toys are a great option for mental stimulation for puppies or dogs of any age.

The video is of Zooka at 14 weeks old working a puzzle toy. This one is fairly easy and is a great way to start a puppy out on puzzle toys. By starting with toys that are fairly easy to figure out, you can help build confidence in pups.

You also want to start with puzzles they can succeed at because if they are too difficult, it is easy for a puppy to give up and lose interest. If their first experiences with puzzle toys are too frustrating or difficult, they are less inclined to develop a desire to use them in the future.

We like to start with easy to moderate toys and work up to more challenging toys for the dogs who enjoy the toys and who are able to figure them out. Some dogs never progress beyond the easy or moderately-challenging toys, and that's ok too. Others will get bored quickly if the toys are too easy.

Keep an eye on your puppy or dog and see how easy or difficult it is. The goal is to challenge them and keep them engaged but not overly frustrate them. Some dogs will keep at it until the solve the problem no matter how hard it is. Others will give up easily. Figure out where your pup fits on that spectrum and adjust your toys and challenges accordingly.

In this video, taken in August 2019, Zooka is finding beef broth tiny ice cubes as the reward for his efforts. You could use other treats or kibble for your dog. Depending on the toy, consider which types of food or treats work best.

Zooka enjoyed this puzzle toy as it was not overly difficult for him. But it did give him something to do and work through rather than just putting treats on the ground or in a bowl.

We are setting him up to enjoy puzzle toys so we can use them through puppyhood, adolescence and into adulthood. We can use them any time we need extra opportunities: to give him something to do with his brain, to burn off some energy, to find ways to entertain him if weather is bad, or to keep him occupied if he is ever injured and on limited exercise restrictions.

Zooka loves puzzle toys! Does your dog?

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