Polite greetings – visitors to your home

2024-05-29T18:08:32+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.       Question: My dog is overly friendly with everyone who visits so it’s difficult for them to get [...]

Polite greetings – teaching people to be polite to your dog

2024-05-29T18:22:16+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.     Question: We have been able to teach our dog to greet us politely when we get home, but [...]

Puppy toys for human-puppy play – go big or go home!

2023-08-20T23:24:34+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, The Zooka Tales, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

When it comes to puppy toys for the purpose of human-puppy play, our philosophy is the bigger the better! Or at least, go bigger than you would think to do. Or in some cases, go LONGER than you would first think. My goal is to ensure I have toys large enough that I can easily [...]

Supervised appropriate puppy play: Zooka, 12 week old Vizsla in Puppy Class

2020-04-08T13:08:11+00:00By |Categories: How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, The Zooka Tales|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

You can find lots of advice on how to socialize puppies during that critical socialization window that essentially ends around 12 weeks of age. Most puppies though don't get into puppy class or out and about much until well after that age. Which is unfortunate. Who should puppies interact or play with to develop [...]

Puppy and adult dog play: Zooka at 11 weeks with Ollie

2020-03-31T18:33:16+00:00By |Categories: How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, The Zooka Tales, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Zooka is eleven weeks old and playing with Ollie, an adult Cocker Spaniel. Here is an example of an adult dog able to play well with a puppy. If your puppy is going to play with any adult dogs, you need to make sure they love puppies and play gently. Notice later in the [...]

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