About Sue Brown, MNM, CDBC, CPDT-KA

Sue Brown is co-founder and co-owner of The Light of Dog and manages all the Dog Training and Dog Boarding for the business.

Increasing the Difficulty or Distractions in your Training: the Four D’s

2025-01-01T16:54:12+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Once your dog has a basic understanding of a cue, we want to help them to reliably perform in any situation with any distractions. You want to begin to challenge them a bit at a time. It's great that your dog can Sit in the kitchen for a treat, but what about before you cross [...]

Should we get a rescue dog?

2024-08-31T12:55:45+00:00By |Categories: Choose My Next Dog|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

When looking to add a new dog to your household, there are several ways or places to find a new dog. You could get a dog from: a reputable breeder a backyard breeder or puppy mill a rescue group a local animal shelter a private re-home a pet store a stray dog you found who [...]

Leaving alone baby toys

2024-07-31T17:31:27+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.     Question: How do I teach my dog to play with his toys only and leave alone the baby’s [...]

A Willy Story: The Scary Scarecrows

2024-06-29T17:52:28+00:00By |Categories: Dog Case Studies|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Willy is a Goldendoodle who boards with us at The Light of Dog regularly. We sometimes joke that we share custody of him since he's here so often. When dogs board with us, we keep a Boarding Log where we post daily updates and photos. We could write a book with all of Willy's adventures [...]

A Willy Story: The Minnows in Ice Game and the Upside Down Day

2024-06-29T17:51:21+00:00By |Categories: Dog Case Studies|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Willy is a Goldendoodle who boards with us at The Light of Dog regularly. We sometimes joke that we share custody of him since he's here so often. When dogs board with us, we keep a Boarding Log where we post daily updates and photos. We could write a book with all of Willy's adventures [...]

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