How soon can you start training your puppy?

2019-04-29T03:10:38+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Romeo's Adventures|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

I often receive calls from people who’ve just brought home a new puppy. One of the questions they often ask is: “When can I start training?” The answer is, the sooner the better! Once upon a time, people were told they had to wait until their puppies were six months old to begin training. (This [...]

Think your dog will never bite someone?

2019-04-29T03:10:13+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Think your dog would never bite someone? Think again. ANY dog will bite if pushed too far. Many people believe their dogs would never bite a person. Others know it could happen but hope that it doesn't.  For others, it already has happened. Regardless of which category you fit in, you should be working to reduce the likelihood [...]

Helping a child overcome his fear of dogs

2019-04-29T03:09:55+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Romeo's Adventures|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

We drove to Minnesota to spend the week of Thanksgiving (2012) with my family. Romeo is accustomed to a quiet household, so a house full of adults and my nephews ranging from 4 years to college-age, is quite different for him. But he was very well-behaved and adjusted quite well to the change in environment. [...]

Should you feed your dog before going to training class?

2019-04-29T03:09:25+00:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

According to a new blog post on The Bark, we should consider feeding our dogs before going to training so they perform better. The November 8, 2012, post “The Importance of Eating Breakfast” by JoAnna Lou refers to a study conducted at the University of Kentucky. The study tested the performance of two sets of dogs, one [...]

Is your dog’s diet really complete and balanced?

2019-04-29T03:08:07+00:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

While at the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Annual Conference, I attended a session byDoug Knueven, DVM, CAC, CVA, CVCH titled Evolution-Based Canine Diets. He discussed some of the evidence from a variety of sources (three pages worth of references) that show what we have been told as “fact” about the diet of our dogs and cats, [...]

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