How do I stop my dog from digging?

2019-05-20T16:10:35+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.     Question: My dog has started digging holes in my back yard. How do I stop my dog from [...]

Interview with a reputable dog breeder

2019-05-29T21:10:42+00:00By |Categories: Choose My Next Dog, Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

In this post, we interview a reputable breeder so our readers can get an idea of what a reputable breeder looks like and how they differ from "backyard breeders" or puppy mill breeders. In our research for our next dog, we chose the Vizsla breed. For those familiar with us already, you have heard and [...]

Choosing the breed of your next dog

2019-05-08T17:42:02+00:00By |Categories: Choose My Next Dog, Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Some people already know what breed they want with their next dog. They have a chosen breed already and are sticking with it. Other people choose their next dog based on an impulse, a dog's look, or having met another dog of that breed that they liked. If you are not sure what breed [...]

The rules of puppy play – and eliminating puppy nipping

2017-07-27T21:43:04+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Puppy nipping and biting is a common problem. The problem often spills over into adolescence and sometimes even adulthood. How do I get my puppy/adolescent/adult dog to stop nipping?! If the nipping is happening during play - or attempts to instigate play - then one of the answers to the problem is to look at [...]

If your dog is aggressive or reactive on leash toward other dogs

2017-03-31T21:33:43+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

If you have a dog who barks and lunges at other dogs when on leash, you are not alone. In fact, it is one of the most common issues I work with in private training sessions. Most of my clients dealing with this issue feel somewhat isolated. They walk through their neighborhood and their neighbors [...]

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