What are your dog’s motivators or rewards?

2016-10-29T16:58:13+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Do you know what your dog’s motivators are? If you train using positive reinforcement or reward-based methods, you need to know! So what does reward-based or positive reinforcement training mean? In a nutshell, it means we are proactive in teaching our dogs what TO do, and we reward them for making the “right” or a [...]

When walking your dog is no fun

2016-10-29T16:58:13+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Some people don’t enjoy walking their dogs because the dogs are so over-the-top excited, they leap around and make it difficult to get leashed up; they knock people over trying to rush out the door; and they practically yank arms out of their sockets dragging people down the sidewalk. Other people have the opposite problem: [...]

Can dogs be trained not to chase wildlife?

2018-06-29T17:33:09+00:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous Dog, Romeo's Adventures|Tags: , , , , , , , |17 Comments

I often hear things stated as facts that really aren’t. I’m sure you do as well. In this case, the statements are about things like prey drive in dogs. Things like: “You can’t teach a dog not to chase wildlife.” Or, “You can’t teach a dog not to chase wildlife without the use of [...]

Close encounters of the snake variety with our dog

2016-10-29T16:58:13+00:00By |Categories: The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Zuzu had her first close encounter of the snake variety today. We generally see bull snakes on our property quite a bit during the spring and summer. This year so far, we have not seen as many as usual. So today was the first time that Zuzu actually got up close and personal with one. [...]

Do you take your dog to dog parks?

2019-04-29T03:55:24+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Romeo's Adventures, The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Talk to any dog owner about dog parks and you can get quite a wide variety of opinions. Some go frequently with their dogs and love them. Others went, had a bad experience and never went back. Others won’t go near them for anything. Who is right? They all are. For some dogs, dog parks [...]

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