20th Month / Weeks 84-87: a month of some progress and no regressions

2020-12-28T12:58:05+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, Juvenile Delinquents Dog Book, The Zooka Tales|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Zooka's 20th month, December 2020, was fairly uneventful. There were no setbacks, and there was some progress. While I had hoped to get out more in public this month, as we all know, sometimes the weather and life get in the way of our plans. Getting out to dog-friendly stores can be a bit trickier [...]

19th Month / Weeks 80-83: addressing his nemeses, getting in the van and slippery floors

2020-11-30T18:49:18+00:00By |Categories: Dog Case Studies, Dog Training, How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, The Zooka Tales|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Zooka's 19th month, November 2020, was focused mainly on getting out in public more (safely) and working on getting more comfortable loading up in the van to go places. His two main nemeses these days are: the van (getting in it) and slippery floors. Those were our two main agenda items this month. Zooka has [...]

Does your dog howl?

2020-09-30T14:45:30+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , |2 Comments

Does your dog howl? We recently discovered Zooka's ability to howl and oh my! Most of our dogs have never been howlers. We had a couple of dogs who did on rare occasions, but it was never something we heard with any regularity. We had never heard it from Zooka either. Until August 2020, [...]

Does your dog chase cars? Zooka is thinking about it

2020-03-23T19:32:46+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, How To Raise & Train a Vizsla, Juvenile Delinquents Dog Book, The Zooka Tales|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Does your dog chase cars? I certainly hope not. I have had plenty of clients over the years whose dogs have chased cars or have at least tried to chase cars. It is an activity that can be quite dangerous, as you can imagine. I have a couple of clients right now whose dogs do [...]

How do I exercise my dog aside from going for walks?

2020-02-24T20:57:38+00:00By |Categories: Ask The Trainer Book, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

This article is part of our E-book, ASK THE TRAINER: Answers to common questions about dog training and behavior issues, including jumping, leash manners, aggression, fearfulness, and more.     Question: When we have really cold winter or hot summer weather, I have not been taking my dog [...]

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