Handling, nail trimming, brushing teeth for your dog

2025-01-30T18:38:31+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

I had hoped to have far more posts under The Zuzu Chronicles with details about how we handle feeding, grooming, crating, etc. However, the first few months were far busier with actually DOING all of that stuff in addition to my busy work schedule. By the time Zuzu reached the five month milestone, I hoped [...]

Overcoming fear of novel things

2019-04-29T03:51:40+00:00By |Categories: The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

If you follow The Zuzu Chronicles, you know that I work on getting Zuzu out to different places, meeting new people and seeing new things. I don’t get her out nearly as much as I should or would like. That’s one of the disadvantages of living in a rural area. But we do as much [...]

Should dogs be allowed on furniture?

2019-04-29T03:51:19+00:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , , , , , |4 Comments

When I arrive for an in-home consultation with clients, I always want to know where dogs spend their time, where they are allowed or not, and what the household rules are. People who allow their dogs on the furniture are often sheepish about admitting it. I often hear things like “I know we shouldn’t, but [...]

Training tip – Use it or lose it!

2019-04-29T03:48:36+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Romeo's Adventures|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

When training dogs, some things happen quickly. Some do not. Some dogs learn things in a few repetitions. Others need hundreds of repetitions. Some behaviors catch on quickly. Others seem like they are never going to happen. Until they do. Just as with humans, dogs all learn at different paces. In my classes, I try [...]

Minimizing puppy biting

2019-04-29T03:42:35+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , , |4 Comments

I’m not sure which drives people crazier when living with a puppy – the housetraining or the puppy biting. Both can be difficult to deal with and try the patience of even the calmest person you know. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “This biting needs to stop!” I could [...]

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