Trimming dog nails

2016-10-29T16:58:13+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Miscellaneous Dog, Pet Health|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Many people are amazed when I tell them that nail trims for my dogs are drama-free, quick and require no restraint. Is that possible, you ask? Why yes, it is! I have worked hard to ensure nail trims are easy, as stress-free as possible, and require no restraint other than holding their paws still so [...]

What we feed our dogs

2019-04-29T03:54:48+00:00By |Categories: Pet Health, Romeo's Adventures, The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

When it comes to feeding your dog, there is no one right answer for every dog and every household. (Though some people will try to convince you otherwise.) I used to feed my dogs dry dog food, or kibble. During that time, I fed my dogs a variety of different brands, though I always did [...]

What do you feed your dogs?

2019-04-29T03:54:06+00:00By |Categories: Pet Health|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

In some dog-enthusiast circles, discussing what you feed your dogs can be about as volatile as discussions on politics or religion. Some people have some very strong opinions about what dogs should be fed. My philosophy is that we should feed our dogs the best diet that we can afford in both budget and time. [...]

Training tip – teach puppies to enjoy grooming & handling

2019-04-29T03:32:20+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, Pet Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

One of the things we work on in my Puppy Preschool Classes is learning to tolerate and hopefully even enjoy handling and grooming. I wish we had more time to spend on it, and I am thinking about making some changes to my curriculum to incorporate more time for it. Is it a struggle to [...]

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