How much dog food do I feed?

2016-10-29T16:58:12+00:00By |Categories: Miscellaneous Dog|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

How much dog food should your dog be eating? Just as in dog training, questions about feeding also are often answered with: “It depends.” There is no one easy answer to this question. Romeo and Zuzu stay lean in part by getting lots of exercise. If you feed your dog a commercial kibble, [...]

Does this dog sit or not? The choice has consequences

2016-10-29T16:58:12+00:00By |Categories: Dog Case Studies, Dog Training|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Does this dog sit or not sit? That was the question. We have a Vizsla staying with us for our 28 day Board & Train program. She was just over halfway through her program, and she had a decision to make. For two weeks, she’d been learning that before we head out for our daily walks, all [...]

Dogs don’t do deadlines!

2019-05-08T02:00:32+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training|Tags: , , |0 Comments

All dog trainers can relate to these types of questions/statements: When will the training be done? How long will the training take? I have ___ event happening in __ amount of time, I need my dog to be trained by then. There is no definitive answer to these questions and we set ourselves and our [...]

Exposure to new things, Halloween version

2016-10-29T16:58:12+00:00By |Categories: Dog Training, The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Puppies go through a critical development phase during which exposure (safely and positively!) to new things is critical for their development. The more exposure they get in safe, fun, positive ways the better for their social development. Romeo at the Halloween store However, it’s just as important to continue their socialization and exposure [...]

Is your dog wearing ID?

2016-10-29T16:58:12+00:00By |Categories: The Zuzu Chronicles|Tags: , , , , , , |1 Comment

People are often advised to keep a collar with ID tags on their dogs at all times. But often lost dogs are wearing no ID at all. Were the dogs not wearing collars/ID when they escaped? Did they escape their collars and run off? Did they lose their ID somewhere along the way? All of [...]

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