Our goal is to positively impact the lives of as many dogs and their families as we can, in part through our extensive library of video, infographics and text articles. ![]() |
We have extensive content published on our website. This sitemap page is organized according to the following categories. Click the category to be taken to that section.
- Main Pages
- Articles
- Continuing Education
- Documentaries
- Dog Case Studies
- Dog Training
- Dog Book-Article-Video Reviews
- Adventures With My Dog
- Growing At The Farm
- Healthy Food
- Media (Photos, Videos & Infographics)
- Miscellaneous Dog
- Dog Health
- Recommended Products
- How to Raise & Train a Vizsla
- Romeo's Adventures
- The Zooka Tales
- The Zuzu Chronicles
- The Blitzen Bulletin
- The Light of Dog Services & Products
- The Light of Dog on Social Media
- Magazine Archives
Main Pages
- About Us
- Adventures With My Dog
- Blog
- Choose My Next Dog
- Contact Page
- Dog Boarding
- Dog Food Products
- Dog Food Products Main Page
- Peak Power Raw Dog Food
- Peak Power Dog Treats
- Peak Power Chicken Crunchers
- Peak Power Snack Stuffers
- Peak Power Superfood Supplement
- Peak Power Immune Booster
- Peak Power Bone Broth
- How To Make Healthy Food Choices For Your Dog
- How to Make Healthy Food Choices For Your Dog Access Page
- Raw Dog Food Preparation Video & Guide
- Dog Food FAQs
- Dog Food Products Main Page
- Dog Toys
- Dog Training
- Client Corner for Puppy Preschool and Basic Training Classes
- Dog Training Classes
- Group Class & Events Schedule
- Group Class Registration Form
- Private Dog Park Rentals
- Private Dog Training & Consultations
- Service Dog Training
- Private Consultation & Training Registration Form
- Training Methods and Philosophy
- Dog Training Products
- Dog Training FAQs
- Farm
- Healthcare For My Dog
- Home
- How to Raise & Train A Vizsla
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- Nutrition For My Dog
- Photos
- Products For My Dog
- Sitemap
- Subscriber Login/My Account
- Train My Dog
- Videos
Continuing Education
- What exactly are therapy dogs?
- Therapy dog vs Service dog vs Emotional Support Animal
- Reduce anxiety by teaching your dog to focus on you
- Keep your senior dogs active!
- What does your dog hear?
- Do you expect perfection?
- Lessons learned when the instructor becomes the student
- Side effects of punishment, part 3
- Side effects of punishment, part 1
- Is punishment necessary in training?
- The science of sniffing
- What happens when your dog is spayed or neutered?
- Increasing the value of your dog's food
- Never too old to learn
- Tops Tips From Top Trainers
- History of pets in America
- Ready to Rally?
- Dr Dodmans Well-Adjusted Dog Seminar, part 2
- Dr Dodman's Well Adjusted Dog seminar
- What is safe to feed our dogs?
Documentaries: below are links to videos of dogs we meet to give you ideas and inspiration for your own dog. The videos are generally short and allow you to meet the dog, get to know a little about their background and their breed, and hear from their owners what goals and activities they want for their dog.
- German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd
Dog Case Studies
- Willy and the scary stuff
- A Willy Story: The Betrayal
- A Willy Story: The Bunny Hunt
- A Willy Story: The Good News Bad News Walk
- A Willy Story: The Minnows in Ice Game and the Upside Down Day
- A Willy Story: The Scary Scarecrows
- A Joxer Story: Everyone, Including Dogs, Learns at Their Own Pace
- A Gunner Story: A Hike and Trusting Your Dog
- A Jahzara Story: The Suit
- Dog doesn’t like being petted by visitors
- A Jahzara Story: Pet Me NOW!
- A Jahzara Story: It’s Hard to be a Bunny!
- A Jahzara Story: I am Watching
- A Gunner Story: The Out-of-Reach Trash Can
- A Jahzara Story: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
- A Gunner Story: The Open Door
- The Story of the Magic Collar
- A Jahzara Story: Learning how to play with a cat
- A Joxer Story: Excessive Licking or Stereotypic Behaviors
- A Jahzara Story: Fear of Everyone
- A Gunner Story: The Day He Ditched Me on a Hike
- A Jahzara Story: From Potential Resource Guarder to A Wonderful Well-Adjusted Dog
- A Joxer Story: From Poor Social Skills to Super Helper Dog
- A Gunner Story: The New Bed
- A Gunner Story: The Sunrise Walks
- A Joxer Story: Fear of Balls
- Follow your dog’s nose
- Happy 6th Birthday to Romeo! No longer an adolescent dog (June 2015)
- How spring gardening may lead to your dog digging and how to prevent it
- Is your dog marking in the house?
- Dog training session vs the real world
- Does this dog sit or not? The choice has consequences
- Does your dog have trouble with stairs?
- Are you looking out for your dog's safety?
- Does stress affect your dog's performance?
- Practice makes perfect – or at least more pleasant!
- How many cues does your dog know?
- Address your dog's real behavior problem not the symptom
- I should have spent more time training. . .
- Want a “handy” training tool?
- Overcoming a dog's intense reaction to the vacuum
- Getting in touch with her inner Terrier
- Is your dog feeling under the weather?
- What's in a name?
- Set your dog up for success over the holidays!
- Training tip – easy nail trims
- Crate training – does your dog love his crate?
- If a dog bites, is she dangerous? Part 2
- If a dog bites, is she dangerous?
- Give me a break!
- How to ruin a perfectly lovely puppy
- Is your dog at risk of being strangled?
- Training your dog should be fun!
Dog Training
- Helping Your Dog Refocus with the Ping Pong Game
- Muzzle training – not just for aggression issues!
- Low stress nail trims with a scratchboard
- Dealing with Distractions in your Dog Training, Part 2
- Dealing with Distractions in your Dog Training
- Increasing the Difficulty or Distractions in your Training: the Four D’s
- Should we get a rescue dog?
- Leaving alone baby toys
- Find It – fun game AND useful tool in your dog behavior modification toolbox
- Teaching your dog to Heel
- Teaching a Go To Mat/Place Cue – sending your dog to a specific location
- Teaching your dog the “Off” cue
- Household Rules For Your Dog
- Does your dog have a reliable Come / Recall?
- Boredom
- Jumping and appropriate greetings
- Helping Your Dog Refocus with the Up & Down Game
- Touch or Nose Target
- Wait and Release at Gate, One Dog at a Time
- Recall/Come with Zooka and Blitzen
- Zooka’s Polite Greeting at the Door
- Blitzen’s Breakfast Training Session Including Heel Work
- Is a tired dog really a good dog?
- Jumping – when a dog is too excited to sit
- Chasing cats
- When does my dog move from adolescence to maturity?
- The Blitzen Bulletin: August & September 2021
- A Gunner Story: The New Bed
- Can two intact male dogs live together?
- Introducing a new dog to the resident dog
- Helping a new dog adjust to a new home
- Counter surfing
- Feeding human food to dogs
- Begging
- Polite greetings – teaching people to be polite to your dog
- Polite greetings – visitors to your home
- Weaning a dog off the crate
- Follow your dog’s nose
- Zooka’s Rules to the Elaborate Game of Chase
- The Blitzen Bulletin: March & April 2021
- 24th Month / Weeks 101-105: Zooka is now TWO YEARS OLD!
- Can your dog control his emotions?
- Are there ever exceptions to the rules for dogs? A Romeo's Adventures Story
- A Gunner Story: Working For His Food and a Refusal
- A Gunner Story: The Long Walk and An Argument About Which Way to Go
- 23rd Month / Weeks 97-100: Zooka’s roles as big brother and my assistant
- Is your dog jumping on you when you arrive home? Try this!
- Separation anxiety
- 22nd Month / Weeks 93-96: Zooka and his brother Blitzen learn how hard it can be to share!
- Dogs pay more attention to vowels than we do
- Meet Blitzen, an 8 month old Vizsla and our newest addition to the family
- 21st Month / Weeks 88-92: adjusting to his new younger brother
- Reactive dog? Here are four categories of alternative behaviors we use
- 20th Month / Weeks 84-87: a month of some progress and no regressions
- Door Darting – Part 2
- Door Darting
- 17th Month / Weeks 71-75: more hiking, a stay in the mountains, and lots of snuggling!
- 16th Month / Weeks 66-70: more hikes, group classes, and helping with demos and training other dogs
- Does your dog howl?
- Barking for attention
- Barking
- What a tuned-in walk with your dog looks like: Zooka at 14 months
- Zooka’s “play date” with the stuffed dog
- Fear of other dogs
- Sudden Fear of Strangers
- Fear of strangers
- Fear of men
- Fear of children
- Food Guarding
- Consequences for off leash reliability failures – a Romeo story
- Zooka, puppy napping in his crate
- Puppy leash manners on a hike, Zooka just under 4 months old at Snow Mountain Ranch
- Zooka < 4 months old climbing on a tree stump at Snow Mountain Ranch
- Socializing your puppy during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic
- Puzzle toys and mental stimulation for a dog on limited exercise or surgery recovery, Zooka @ 15 weeks
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, puppy training session in new places like a local park
- Does your dog chase cars? Zooka is thinking about it
- Puzzle toys are great mental stimulation for puppies, Zooka @ 14 weeks
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, what puppy walks should look like
- Zooka intro to the puppy kiddie pool at 10.5 weeks
- 10th month / Weeks 40-44: more adolescent antics, humping, advancing our training and continued socialization
- How do I exercise my dog aside from going for walks?
- What is your dog’s personality? Zooka’s personality or temperament examined
- Zooka training session – Heel, Fetch & other stuff
- Dealing with your dog’s distractions: Zooka on a walk edition
- 8th month / Weeks 36-39: adolescence in full swing, countersurfing, and other fun things!
- Housetraining Tips
- Walk the dinosaur – I mean, the dog. Leash manners with Zooka
- Weeks 32 through 35 / 7th month – adolescence, marking, and starting our off leash work
- Week 31: turns 7 months old, how did that happen?! Dog adolescence is in full swing
- Week 30: teaching Zooka to use a scratchboard for nail filing, continue training and play dates
- Week 29: Zooka’s big road trip #2! Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and New Mexico
- Week 28: a big field trip and a big test of his abilities in public this week!
- Week 27: 6 months old, vet visit, and an off leash play date!
- Week 26: focus on ramping up training and expanding field trips; plus more SNOW!
- Introducing your new puppy to your resident dog
- Zooka’s new game: Full Contact Fetch!
- Week 25: new cues for training, allowing more access in the house, and his puppy teeth are gone!
- Fear periods or sensitive periods for puppies – Zooka goes through one
- Week 24: fear/sensitive period, continued work on social skills, and the baby teeth are almost gone!
- Week 23: continued training w Heel, Fetch, Stay, etc.; first overnight human visitor, lots of play with other dogs
- Week 22: continued stay away from home and learning first steps to a fetch/retrieve
- Week 21: Losing puppy teeth, more play dates, and our first overnight trip to the mountains!
- Week 20: traversing full flight of stairs on his own; continuing training, outings and play dates
- Week 19: progressing with training, continue play dates and outings, discovered the joy of DIGGING!
- Week 18: lots of play dates, more outings, raising expectations and adding new things into our training
- Does your puppy sleep through the night?
- Week 17: continued limited physical activity; more training & mental stimulation; return to walks & field trips
- My puppy started a fire! How you can prevent it from happening to you
- Week 16: Lots more training; more mental stimulation due to limited activity for surgery recuperation
- Week 15: Play date, pool party, ER visit, surgery for rock obstructing his GI system
- Week 14: More play dates, more training, more field trips
- Week 13: More play dates, more field trips, continue Puppy Class, start Shaping in our training
- Week 12: Pool party, more play dates, continued training, more field trips
- Weeks 10 and 11: intro to new dogs, field trip, kiddie pool and new obstacles
- Setting up for a new puppy
- Week 9: pick up Zooka from the breeder in North Carolina and settle in at home in Colorado with our eating, exercise, training and sleeping routines
- Week 7: field trips – horse barn, farmers market and a pool party!
- Week 6: field trip offsite, Puppy Party, new people and beginning clicker training
- Week 5: getting started on housetraining, crate training, recall (come when called) and eating a raw diet
- Week 4: Met a new dog, getting more outside time, beginning to wean pups off mom
- Week 3: Introduction to more toys, textures, sounds and goats’ milk
- Week 2: introduction to stuffed animals, distinct odors through essential oils, sound desensitizing music and toenail clipping
- Week 1: Introduction to calming music and biosensor early neurological stimulation
- Is My Dog Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Deer
- How do I stop my dog from digging?
- Communicating with our dogs
- Should we get a puppy or adult dog?
- Keep these in mind about training your dog and you’ll keep your sanity
- Is your dog barking at nothing? Or is there really something there?
- Walking with your dog: are you both tuned in?
- Long Line Exercise: Voluntary Connection
- Teaching the “what can you do” cue
- Demo of Parkour Skills and Giving Your Dog Choices
- Why Your Dog Training Efforts May Fail If You Overlook This Crucial Element
- Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Goats – Part 2
- Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Goats – Part 1
- Tips on managing and monitoring productive puppy play groups
- Does your puppy know “Sit”? Are you sure? (Hint: it's about the context!)
- Introduction to other dog for class
- Barking at the fence
- Clicker training with a Corgi puppy
- Video of Dog Parkour Class with a Greyhound, Lab mix and a Golden Doodle
- Loose Leash Walking, Part 2
- Loose Leash Walking, Part 1
- Crate Training
- Sure fire ways to stress your dog
- What is an ideal walk with your dog? (Hint: if you ask your dog, it includes sniffing!)
- Cues and Expectations
- Beginning training with 8.5 week old puppy
- Benefits of training your dog
- Planning for the new year – dog training edition
- Off-leash control on a hike
- What is targeting
- Play Dead (or Go to Sleep) tricks video
- Spin or twirl
- Watch Me – Part 2
- Dog Body Language: Whinning
- Teaching Polite Greetings with Visitors
- The perks of play with puppies (and adult dogs)
- Go around
- Rules for playing tug with your dog (infographic)
- The rules of puppy play – and eliminating puppy nipping
- A short video of the leave It exercise not quite working out as hoped with this Terrier
- If your dog is aggressive or reactive on leash toward other dogs
- Dogs need mental stimulation too – not only physical exercise!
- Training Options: Capturing, Luring and Shaping
- Dog Body Language: Mouth
- Dog Body Language: Dogs With Fluffy Hair
- Dog Body Language: Biting
- New puppy? Here's what to do next
- Dog Training Choices
- Rollover
- Shaping with a box
- Watch Me
- Benefits of in-home private dog training
- Dog Body Language: Barking & Growling
- Want to know more about service dogs?
- Lifelong stages of training – and happy 7th birthday Romeo! (June 2016)
- Does your dog have a high “prey drive”?
- Targeting with a lid
- New Puppy? Here's What To Do Next
- When will my dog stop the biting, nipping, mouthing behaviors?
- Is your dog aggressive or reactive when on leash?
- Reinforce behavior you want
- Loose Leash Walking Long Line
- Management and Training for Jumping When You Arrive Home
- Catch
- Benefits of dog sports for non-competitors
- Dog Body Language: Body
- Benefits of group dog training classes
- Assessing the status of your dog's training
- Is an assertive dog good or bad?
- Puppy Nipping
- Leave It: Advanced
- Fading out treats
- Rewards
- Dog Training Video and Handout
- Backup
- Shaping with no props
- Does playing tug with a dog cause aggression?
- Is your dog burying a bone or other objects?
- Is your dog biting the leash?
- Is your dog earning freedoms?
- Clicker Training Video
- Body Blocking
- Why didn’t I think of that?!
- Sit with a large dog
- Dogs don’t do deadlines!
- Exposure to new things, Halloween version
- The moving wait dog training tip
- Teaching Polite Greetings
- Trimming dog nails
- Targeting with a ball
- Guarding bones
- If your dog digs holes
- Come With Distractions
- Jumping during play
- What are your dog’s motivators or rewards?
- When walking your dog is no fun
- The Name Game
- What is shaping
- Leave It
- Dog Body Language: Yawning & Tongue Flicking
- When your dog “only does it when I have a treat”
- Come: Importance of Reward
- Restricted activity after a spay, neuter or other surgery
- Do you take your dog to dog parks?
- Sit from a down position
- Sit: Part 2
- Crawl
- Dog Body Language: Ears
- Sit
- Come
- A reliable “drop it” can save a life!
- Train in short sessions
- Dog Body Language: Eyes
- Find Person
- What size crate for a puppy?
- Door Wait Exercise
- Dog Body Language: Shape of Teeth & Mouth
- Door Wait: Demo Finished Behavior
- Is walking your dog a drag?
- Handling, nail trimming, brushing teeth for your dog
- Training tip – Use it or lose it!
- Puppy biting getting worse?
- Food Bowl Exercise
- Training tip – your most important “tool” with your dog is patience!
- New people & experiences are critical for puppies
- Minimizing puppy biting
- Dog Body Language: Body Blocks
- Down:Troubleshooting
- Down
- Training tip – working with multiple dogs
- Adjusting to a new dog sibling – Romeo and Zuzu
- When to start training a new puppy
- Jumping
- Wait vs Stay
- Stay
- Prepping for a puppy
- Training tip – teach your dog a new holiday dog trick!
- Your dog is talking – are you listening?
- Training tip – teach puppies to enjoy grooming & handling
- Dog training tip – changing your household rules for your dog
- What are your household rules for your dog?
- Choosing the right dog training equipment
- Breaking a bad habit – for both you and your dog
- Use chilled or frozen treats when it’s hot out!
- Dog training tip – timing is everything!
- Training tip – incorporate quickie training sessions into your dog's routine
- Should dogs greet other dogs when on leash?
- Does your dog hate getting a bath?
- Training tip – chase game with kids and dogs
- Kids and puppies go together – or do they?
- Drop It or Object Exchange
- Help, my dog doesn’t listen when we’re outside!
- Ever lost your dog?
- Eat your veggies, and you can have dessert!
- What is “maintenance” training for your dog and do you need it?
- Dog Body Language: Introduction
- When should I start working on my dog’s behavior issues?
- Fear of men: do NOT try this at home with your dog!
- Is your dog afraid of men, children, or others?
- How predictable are you in your dog training sessions?
- Is your dog reactive toward other dogs when on leash?
- How soon can you start training your puppy?
- Think your dog will never bite someone?
- Helping a child overcome his fear of dogs
- My dog is too distracted in class!
- Does our dog have a time limit on his patience or easy-going attitude?
- What does it mean to give your dog “a job”?
- I’m glad my dog disobeyed me!
- What message are you really conveying to your dog?
- Do your emotions impact your dog training?
- Do we expect too much from our adolescent dogs?
- Romeo earned his Advanced Trick Dog Title (August 2012)
- Are your dog training goals setting you up for failure?
- Real life tests of off-leash reliability
- Building trust with your dog
- Burning off energy in the summer heat with your dogs
- Dealing with difficult distractions – wildlife version
- What percentage of the time is your dog well-behaved?
- Changing our dogs’ bad habits – and ours
- Troubleshooting: when your dog training isn’t working
- Help, my dog’s jumping is getting worse!
- Preventing possessiveness or resource guarding with puppies
- Practice with your dog makes perfect – or at least more pleasant!
- When a dog’s arousal is high, it’s hard to make good choices!
- When your dog’s “fun tricks” come in handy
- Is your dog an escape artist?
- What are the consequences for a dog who misbehaves? Part 2
- Does stress affect the performance of your dog?
- What are the consequences for a dog who misbehaves?
- Training tip – polite greetings from the dog’s perspective
- Reduce anxiety by teaching your dog to focus on you
- Nipping puppies and mouthy adolescents, part 3
- Dog bites news anchor: who is to blame?
- Nipping puppies and mouthy adolescents, part 2
- Training tip – for nipping puppies and mouthy adolescent dogs
- Teach your dog opposites (in/out, over/under, and others)
- Stop your dog from eating rocks, socks and other non-food items
- Teach your dog something new!
- Does your dog have trouble with stairs?
- Some situations call for a default behavior from our dogs
- Successfully training a dog not to chase cars or anything else
- The benefits of play for dogs
- “Out” is a useful cue with your dog when preparing your holiday meal
- Set your dog up for success over the holidays!
- Taking Treats Gently
- Testing off-leash readiness with your dog, revisited
- Testing off-leash readiness with your dog
- Emotions in dogs – acknowledge but don’t overanalyze
- Case study: relinquished dog has trouble with household dogs
- Have you heard of the sport of K9 Nosework for dog training?
- What does sheep herding have to do with dog training? Hint: body blocking
- Training challenges: overcoming “My dog will only come when she wants to”
- Addressing separation anxiety in dogs
- Is your dog jumping on you when you arrive home? Try this!
- How I Use Off-Leash Control With My Dog
- Speak
- Cool dog treats for hot summer days
- Dog Body Language: Tail
- “Dog training” works on people too!
- Take Your Dog to Work Day is Friday, June 24 (2011)
- Persistence pays off with “stubborn” dogs
- Good leash manners prevent injuries
- It seemed like a good idea at the time!
- Outwit, outplay, outlast – motto for Survivor and our dogs
- Loose Leash Walking With A Short Line
Dog-Book-Article-Video Reviews
- Review of book Homeless People and Their Pets
- Does your dry dog food contain corn?
- How my Juvenile Delinquent Dogs book came to be
- I have an article published in the APDT Chronicle of the Dog
- Preventing, treating and diagnosing diabetes in dogs
- Aggression toward other dogs and resources for help
- John Rogerson Seminar provides thought-provoking ideas
- What causes our strong connection to dogs?
- Is my dog being “dominant”?
- Autism, oxytocin and dogs
- Modern wolves and domestic dogs are distantly related
- Does our connection to animals make us human?
- The domestication of dogs
- “Alpha wolf” – reality or myth?
Adventures With My Dog
- Week 29: Zooka’s big road trip #2! Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and New Mexico
- Buried treasure. Does your dog bury things? Zooka does!
- Road trip to North Carolina to pick up our Vizsla puppy, Zooka
- Week 7: field trips – horse barn, farmers market and a pool party!
- Car travel tips when picking up a puppy from a breeder
- What to do if your puppy or dog gets carsick
- 97 Ways To Create Great Puppies
- Remembering Romeo (my heart dog)
- Our complete first aid kit for dogs
- My 2019 Spring Break Trip With Mom and Dad
- What is your dog’s favorite napping spot?
- My fall break with mom and dad…by Zuzu the Greyhound
- How to train an adventure dog
- Dog Trainer’s Traveling Tips from Sue Brown at The Light of Dog
- Want some dog mental stimulation ideas? Here is Romeo's daily mental and physical workout routine
- How we keep dogs safely secured on leash walks
- High Line Canal Trail from Fly'n B Park
- High Line Canal trail near Chatfield Reservoir
- Rules for hiking with your dog (infographic)
- Rules for interacting with wildlife
- Dogs and wildlife
- Does the weather affect your dog-walking?
- Are dog parks good or bad for your dog?
- A new dog sport to try – Treibball
- What does sheep herding have to do with dog training?
- Have you heard of the sport of K9 Nosework?
- Learning opportunities at dog events
- Do you know the signs of heatstroke in your dog?
Growing At The Farm
Healthy Food
- Feeding human food to dogs
- Week 12: Pool party, more play dates, continued training, more field trips
- Weeks 10 and 11: intro to new dogs, field trip, kiddie pool and new obstacles
- Week 9: pick up Zooka from the breeder in North Carolina and settle in at home in Colorado with our eating, exercise, training and sleeping routines
- Natural ways to de-worm a dog that have worked for us
- Week 6: field trip offsite, Puppy Party, new people and beginning clicker training
- Week 5: getting started on housetraining, crate training, recall (come when called) and eating a raw diet
- Week 4: Met a new dog, getting more outside time, beginning to wean pups off mom
- Week 3: Introduction to more toys, textures, sounds and goats’ milk
- Try To Avoid All Dog Products Made Outside of The U.S. Or Canada
- Be Wary of Dog Food Products That Use The Word “Natural” or Other Healthy-Sounding Words
- This dog food health tip will literally take you 20-seconds, maybe less
- Assess The Nutritional Value of Your Dog Food Using The Dog Food Comparison Worksheet Tool
- Dog Food Recalls Directory
- How to buy canned foods for your dog
- 2018 Farm Harvest
- How to rank dog food options, categorized from highest to lowest quality
- Legacy Family Farms
- Why dry kibble is bad for dogs
- Assess the nutritional value of dog food
- A quick way to help determine the quality of the dog food products you purchase
- Our dog food production and processing equipment at The Light of Dog Farm
- The Food Stack For Dogs
- How to purchase healthy chicken for your dog (and the humans in your family)
- How to purchase healthy beef for your dog (and the humans in your family)
- Training treats compatible with raw diets
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Cutting and Grinding Meats
- A handy guide to buying chicken (for dogs and humans)
- Important tips about preserving commercial dried dog food products
- A handy guide to buying beef (for dogs and humans)
- Foods to avoid feeding your dog
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Sharpening and Using Knives
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Dog Food Ingredient Quality
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Equipment And Kitchen Supplies Needed
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Purchasing/Acquiring The Ingredients
- Making raw dog food
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Defrosting Frozen Ingredients
- The causes of disease and health problems in our pets and the one major thing you can do to help prevent them
- What goes into making commercial dog treats and tips on buying the healthiest ones for your dog
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Grinding Vegetables and Fruits
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: The Four Core Ingredients To Raw Dog Food
- The sourcing, production and packaging for Peak Power Dog Treats and how we do it differently from other dog food companies
- Why choose grass fed beef for your dog
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Additional Ingredients To Raw Dog Food
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Keeping Accurate Weight Counts and Mixing in the Meats
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Pathogen Control And Cleaning
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Preparing the Space
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Feeding Whole vs. Ground Chicken
- February 2025 Photos
- January 2025 Photos
- December 2024 Photos
- November 2024 Photos
- October 2024 Photos
- September 2024 Photos
- August 2024 Photos
- July 2024 Photos
- June 2024 Photos
- May 2024 Photos
- April 2024 Photos
- March 2024 Photos
- February 2024 Photos
- January 2024 Photos
- December 2023 Photos
- November 2023 Photos
- October 2023 Photos
- September 2023 Photos
- August 2023
- July 2023 Photos
- June 2023 Photos
- May 2023 Photos
- April 2023 Photos
- March 2023 Photos
- February 2023 Photos
- January 2023
- December 2022 Photos
- November 2022 Photos
- October 2022 Photos
- September 2022 Photos
- August 2022 Photos
- July 2022 Photos
- June 2022 Photos
- May 2022 Photos
- April 2022 Photos
- March 2022 Photos
- February 2022 Photos
- January 2022 Photos
- December 2021 Photos
- November 2021 Photos
- October 2021 Photos
- September 2021 Photos
- August 2021 Photos
- July 2021 Photos
- June 2021 Photos
- May 2021 Photos
- April 2021 Photos
- March 2021 Photos
- February 2021 Photos
- January 2021 Photos
- December 2020 Photos
- November 2020 Photos
- October 2020 Photos
- September 2020 Photos
- August 2020 Photos
- July 2020 Images
- June 2020 Images
- May 2020 Images
- Zooka’s Funny Faces
- April 2020 Photos
- March 2020 Photos
- February 2020 Photos
- January 2020 Photos
- December 2019 Photos
- November 2019 Photos
- Zooka’s big road trip #2! Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and New Mexico
- October 2019 Photos
- September 2019 Photos
- August 2019 Photos
- Week 17: continued limited physical activity; more training & mental stimulation; return to walks & field trips
- Week 16: Lots more training; more mental stimulation due to limited activity for surgery recuperation
- Week 15: Play date, pool party, ER visit, surgery for rock obstructing his GI system
- Week 14: More play dates, more training, more field trips
- Week 13: More play dates, more field trips, continue Puppy Class, start Shaping in our training
- Week 12: Pool party, more play dates, continued training, more field trips
- July 2019 Photos
- Road trip to North Carolina to pick up our Vizsla puppy, Zooka
- June 2019 Photos
- May 2019 Photos
- April 2019 Photos
- My 2019 Spring Break Trip With Mom and Dad
- March 2019 Photos
- February 2019 Photos
- January 2019 Photos
- December 2018 Photos
- November 2018 Photos
- October 2018 Photos
- October time-lapse sunrise, sunsets and snow storms
- My fall break with mom and dad…by Zuzu the Greyhound
- September 2018 Photos
- August 2018 Photos
- July 2018 Photos
- June 2018 Photos
- May 2018 Photos
- April 2018 Photos
- March 2018 Photos
- February 2018 Photos
- January 2018 Photos
- December 2017 Photos
- November 2017 Photos
- October 2017 Photos
- September 2017 Photos
- August 2017 Photos
- July 2017 Photos
- June 2017 Photos
- May 2017 Photos
- April 2017
- Helping Your Dog Refocus with the Ping Pong Game
- Helping Your Dog Refocus with the Up Down Game
- Muzzle training – not just for aggression issues!
- Low stress nail trims with a scratchboard
- Find It – fun game AND useful tool in your dog behavior modification toolbox
- Teaching your dog to heel
- Trouble getting a harness on your dog? Harnessing Station, part 2
- Touch or Nose Target
- Wait and Release at Gate, One Dog at a Time
- February 2024 Issue: Locations (harness station & place)
- October 2023 Adventures & Activity
- September 2023 Adventures & Activity
- Touch or Nose Target
- Wait and Release at Gate, One Dog at a Time
- Recall/Come with Zooka and Blitzen
- Dog Parkour with Zooka & Blitzen
- Zooka & Blitzen’s Dramatic Door Manner
- Blitzen’s Breakfast Training Session Including Heel Work
- Can your dog control his emotions?
- Does your dog howl?
- What a tuned-in walk with your dog looks like: Zooka at 14 months
- Just for fun – Zooka loves playing in the water from the hose
- Zooka’s “play date” with the stuffed dog
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, what puppy walks should look like
- Zooka intro to the puppy kiddie pool at 10.5 weeks
- Zooka training session – Heel, Fetch & other stuff
- Dealing with your dog’s distractions: Zooka on a walk edition
- Week 26: focus on ramping up training and expanding field trips; plus more SNOW!
- Week 21: Losing puppy teeth, more play dates, and our first overnight trip to the mountains!
- Week 19: progressing with training, continue play dates and outings, discovered the joy of DIGGING!
- Week 18: lots of play dates, more outings, raising expectations and adding new things into our training
- Week 14: More play dates, more training, more field trips
- Week 13: Zooka training by working for his breakfast
- Week 13: Slow motion clips with Zooka playing in his kiddie pool and puppy recess with friends
- Week 13: Zooka Meeting a horse and goats, plus an added distraction from a loud train
- Week 13: Timelapse of Zooka's outing at a local outdoor mall and greeting many different people
- Week 13: Timelapse of Zooka's outing at a local outdoor mall and greeting many different people
- Week 13: Leash work with Zooka and allowing him to work through some trepidation with seeing dogs
- Week 13: Slow motion of chasing the ball with Zooka and some friends
- Week 12: Working for his breakfast with watch me, sit, heel, wait and crate training
- Week 12: Slow motion of Zooka playing in his kiddie pool and in puppy recess
- Week 12: Pool party for Zooka and learning to swim
- Timelapse video of a July sunset in Colorado with a dissolving thunderhead
- Weeks 10 & 11: Zooka being introduced to a dog parkour object on the farm
- Weeks 10 & 11: Slow motion clips of Zooka playing with Theo and a recall exercise on the farm
- Setting up for a new puppy
- Week 9: Zooka's first training session as a new puppy
- Week 9: Zooka playing with his tug toy
- Week 9: introduction to dog parkour obstacles
- Week 9: Working on watch me and sit during meal time
- Week 9: Zooka's first walk around the farm included an off-lead recall in slow motion
- Road trip to North Carolina to pick up our Vizsla puppy, Zooka
- Meet Iris, the Vizsla – find out how she got her name!
- Meet Ginger, a German Shepherd / Australian Shepherd mix who requires lots of constructive stimulation . . . and patience!
- Meet Maisey, a Corgi puppy who is well on her way to being a well-behaved family dog
- Meet Winnie, a “Bossie” (that’s Border Collie & Australian Shepherd) with lots of energy!
- Meet Fraser, an Australian Shepherd, one of our Zuzu’s best friends since they were both young pups
- May 2019 Video Mashup
- April 2019 Video Mashup
- My 2019 Spring Break Trip With Mom and Dad
- Meet Stormy, a Miniature Poodle puppy that is smart, athletic and needs physical and mental stimulation to thrive
- Meet Yeti, a Finnish Lapphund puppy
- Meet Lando, a Lagotto Romagnolo
- Meet Maizey, a Blue Heeler mix
- March 2019 Video Mashup
- February 2019 Video Mashup
- January 2019 Video Mashup
- Walking with your dog: are you both tuned in?
- Long Line Exercise: Voluntary Connection
- Production Log for Peak Power Raw Dog Food Chicken Blend on Monday January 14, 2019
- December 2018 Video Mashup
- Demo of Parkour Skills and Giving Your Dog Choices
- Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Goats – Part 2
- November 2018 Video Mashup
- 2018 Farm Harvest
- Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Goats – Part 1
- Short video compilation of Zuzu, our Greyhound and the goofy things she does
- Multitasking at The Light of Dog Farm
- October time-lapse sunrise, sunsets and snow storms
- Loose Leash Walking, Part 2
- Loose Leash Walking, Part 1
- What is targeting
- Tips on managing and monitoring productive puppy play groups
- Does your puppy know “Sit”? Are you sure? (Hint: it’s about the context!)
- Introduction to other dog for class
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Grinding Vegetables and Fruits
- Barking at the fence
- Watch Me – Part 2
- Clicker training with a Corgi puppy
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Cutting and Grinding Meats
- Dog Body Language: Whinning
- Crate Training
- Dog Body Language: Body
- Watch Me
- Backup
- Cues & Expectations
- Find Person
- Management and Training for Jumping When You Arrive Home
- Targeting with a lid
- Dog Body Language: Mouth
- Dog Body Language: Barking & Growling
- Spin or twirl
- Beginning training with 8.5 week old Romeo
- Teaching Polite Greetings with Visitors
- Want some dog mental stimulation ideas? Here is Romeo's daily mental and physical workout routine
- Dogs need mental stimulation too – not only physical exercise!
- A short video of the leave It exercise not quite working out as hoped with this Terrier
- How I Use Off-Leash Control With My Dog
- Off-leash control on a hike
- Loose Leash Walking Long Line
- Play Dead (or Go to Sleep) tricks video
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Keeping Accurate Weight Counts and Mixing in the Meats
- Crawl
- Dog Body Language: Dogs With Fluffy Hair
- Sit with a large dog
- Fading out treats
- Go around
- Romeo is officially on his rise to stardom in this video ad!
- Product video for Peak Power Dog Treats
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: The Four Core Ingredients To Raw Dog Food
- Shaping with no props
- Dog Body Language: Shape of Teeth & Mouth
- Rollover
- Making raw dog food
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Sharpening and Using Knives
- Train in short sessions
- Teaching Polite Greetings
- Dog Body Language: Biting
- My fall break with mom and dad…by Zuzu the Greyhound
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Dog Food Ingredient Quality
- Short video compilation of Zuzu, our Greyhound and the goofy things she does
- You're a dog junkie if…
- Dog Body Language: Eyes
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Pathogen Control And Cleaning
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Feeding Whole vs. Ground Chicken
- Sit from a down position
- Sit: Part 2
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Purchasing/Acquiring The Ingredients
- Leave It
- Come With Distractions
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Additional Ingredients To Raw Dog Food
- Sit
- Shaping with a box
- Dog Body Language: Body Blocks
- Dog Body Language: Yawning & Tongue Flicking
- Catch
- Zuzu's boarding video
- How we keep dogs safely secured on leash walks
- Puppy Nipping Dog Training Video and Handout
- Clicker Training Video
- Down:Troubleshooting
- Leave It: Advanced
- What is shaping
- Dog Body Language: Ears
- Down
- Training Options: Capturing, Luring and Shaping
- Reinforce behavior you want
- Rewards
- Our Zuzu’s favorite toy is the Romp-N-Roll Ball
- Drop It or Object Exchange
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Equipment And Kitchen Supplies Needed
- The Name Game
- Taking Treats Gently
- Body Blocking
- Come
- Food Bowl Exercise
- Jumping during play
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Preparing the Space
- Door Wait Exercise
- Door Wait: Demo Finished Behavior
- Wait vs Stay
- How To Make Raw Dog Food: Defrosting Frozen Ingredients
- Stay
- Dog Body Language: Introduction
- Targeting with a ball
- Jumping
- Dog Body Language: Tail
- Come: Importance of Reward
- Loose Leash Walking With A Short Line
- Speak
- Household Rules For Your Dog
- Benefits of remote dog training
- Housetraining Tips
- Ten Tips For Choosing Your Next Breed Of Dog
- Assess The Nutritional Value of Your Dog Food Using The Dog Food Comparison Worksheet Tool
- The Food Stack For Dogs
- Why dry kibble is bad for dogs
- Foods to avoid feeding your dog
- New puppy? Here's what to do next
- Sure fire ways to stress your dog
- How to rank dog food options, categorized from highest to lowest quality
- Prepping for a puppy
- Benefits of dog training
- Ingredients we feed our dogs
- The Functional Medicine Approach to health for your dog
- Cold weather tips for your dog
- Assess the nutritional value of dog food
- Hot weather tips for your dog
- Rules for hiking with your dog
- Benefits of dog sports for non-competitors
- A quick way to help determine the quality of the dog food products your purchase
- Rules for playing tug with your dog
- Perks of play with pups
- Why choose grass fed beef for your dog
- Benefits of in-home private dog training
- How to purchase healthy beef for your dog (and the humans in your family)
- How to purchase healthy chicken for your dog (and the humans in your family)
- Dogs need mental stimulation too – not only physical exercise!
- The Light of Dog Product Production Process
- The Light of Dog Accounting & Inventory System
Miscellaneous Dog
- Family history behind a print from British Victorian artist Thomas Blinks
- Male or female? Does it matter when bringing home a new puppy or dog?
- Setting up for a new puppy
- Week 8: more field trips, temperament and conformation evaluations, and heading to new homes
- Naming a dog: how Zooka got his name
- 97 Ways To Create Great Puppies
- Choosing a reputable dog breeder
- Interview with a reputable dog breeder
- Choosing the breed of your next dog
- Breed Considerations
- Adding another dog
- Should we get a puppy or adult dog?
- What is your dog’s favorite napping spot?
- The complete checklist for evaluating dog boarding, dog kennel and pet sitting options
- Rules for hiking with your dog (infographic)
- Rules for interacting with wildlife
- Dogs and wildlife
- Are your dogs a part of your holiday traditions?
- How much dog food do I feed?
- “Wait” for permission to greet/investigate
- Ever lost your dog?
- Can dogs be trained not to chase wildlife?
- Who are your dog’s friends?
- Should dogs be allowed on furniture?
- Puppy play – should big and small dogs be separated?
- Puppy bath time – got your rubber ducky?
- Are you a “natural” when it comes to working with dogs?
- Does the weather affect your dog-walking?
- Do you have an evacuation plan in case of emergency?
- Which breeds are more likely to be aggressive on leash?
- If you were gone, who would care for your dog?
- Our book was nominated for an award! (2013)
- Should you feed your dog before going to training class?
- Is your dog’s diet really complete and balanced?
- Are dog parks good or bad for your dog?
- Is your dog a model citizen?
- A letter to Cancer
- Saying goodbye to my beloved Greyhound, Jahzara (May 2012)
- What do dogs have to do with the Academy Awards?
- How good is your dog’s memory?
- Is it ever OK to kiss a dog?
- Are you looking out for your dog’s safety?
- Safely breaking up a dog fight
- Is your dog suddenly afraid of familiar things?
- Walking can be such a drag!
- Behavioral signs of cancer in dogs
- Top 10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets
- A new dog sport to try – Treibball
- What does sheep herding have to do with dog training?
- Have you heard of the sport of K9 Nosework?
- Learning opportunities at dog events
- Side effects of punishment, part 2
- New Years Resolution – for your dog
- Allowing other pets to say goodbye to a family dog
- Do you and your dog look alike?
- Dog on the loose
- Dog nutrition – are vets the experts?
- Are dogs colorblind?
- Regulation of the pet food industry
Dog Health
- Could your dog be in pain and you don’t even know it?
- Is a tired dog really a good dog?
- Week 18: lots of play dates, more outings, raising expectations and adding new things into our training
- Zooka’s ER visit and surgery
- Week 9: pick up Zooka from the breeder in North Carolina and settle in at home in Colorado with our eating, exercise, training and sleeping routines
- Natural ways to de-worm a dog that have worked for us
- Week 4: Met a new dog, getting more outside time, beginning to wean pups off mom
- Week 3: Introduction to more toys, textures, sounds and goats’ milk
- Week 2: introduction to stuffed animals, distinct odors through essential oils, sound desensitizing music and toenail clipping
- Week 1: Introduction to calming music and biosensor early neurological stimulation
- What is appropriate exercise for a puppy or adolescent dog?
- What to do if your puppy or dog gets carsick
- Puppy fitness that fits the puppy – puppy age appropriate exercise guidelines
- Taking care of your dog’s ears, teeth and nails on your own
- With no regulatory standards for these dog products, do these 3 things to protect your dogs
- The Functional Medicine Approach to health for your dog
- Hot weather tips for your dog
- Cold weather tips for your dog
- Dog food recalls and how to protect yourself
- What we feed our dogs
- What do you feed your dogs?
- Does your puppy seem to eat everything – grass, dirt, sticks, rocks?
- Ever been to a chiropractor for your dog?
- Do you know the signs of heatstroke in your dog?
- Hiking with your dog? Keep an eye out for ticks
- Backyard hazards for your pets
- Are your dog’s chew toys safe?
- Is this a behavior or a medical issue?
- Going “green” for your dog
- Good dental health can prolong your dog’s life, says article in Prevention Magazine
Products For My Dog
Recommended Reading
- How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks by Ian Dunbar
- Family Friendly Dog Training: A Six Week Program for You and Your Dog by Patricia B McConnell, Ph.D and Aimee M Moore
- Leader of the Pack by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D
- Puppy Primer by Brenda K Scidmore and Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D
- BEFORE You Get Your Puppy by Ian Dunbar
- Really Reliable Recall (DVD and booklet) by Leslie Nelson
- Lassie Come! (DVD) by Patricia McConnell, Ph.D.
- The Other End of the Leash by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D
- For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend by Patricia B. McConnell
- Don’t Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor
- The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson
- Excel-erated Learning by Pamela J. Reid, Ph.D
- Canine Body Language – A Photographic Guide by Brenda Aloff
- On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas
- The Language of Dogs DVD, by Sarah Kalnajs
- Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Third Edition by Robert M. Sapolsky
- Coercion and Its Fallout (Revised Edition) by Murray Sidman
- Mine! A Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs by Jean Donaldson
- Feisty Fido by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D and Karen B. London, Ph.D
- Fight! A Practical Guide to the Treatment of Dog-Dog Aggression by Jean Donaldson
- Dogs Bite: But Balloons and Slippers are More Dangerous by Janis Bradley
- The Cautious Canine by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.
- Help For Your Fearful Dog: A Step-By Step Guide to Helping Your Dog Conquer His Fear by Nicole Wilde
- Way to Go by Karen B. London, Ph.D. and Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D
- I’ll Be Home Soon! by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D
- Successful Dog Adoption by Sue Sternberg
- Paws To Consider by Brian Kilcommons and Sarah Wilson
- Bach Flower Remedies for Animals by Helen Graham and Gregory Vlamis
- You can’t go wrong with these Kong toys
- Our Zuzu’s favorite toy is the Romp-N-Roll Ball
- Busy Buddy Toys: Make your dog work for their food while burning off energy by using these toys
- West Paw Zogoflex line: Toys for food dispensing, tug, fetch and light chewing
- Outward Hound Interactive Food Puzzle Toys: These interactive toys get your dog’s brain working so they burn even more energy
- The problem with tennis balls for playing fetch and what we use instead
First Aid
Crates & Expens
Leashes, Collars, Harnesses, Muzzles
How to Raise & Train a Vizsla
- Week 1: Introduction to calming music and biosensor early neurological stimulation
- Week 2: introduction to stuffed animals, distinct odors through essential oils, sound desensitizing music and toenail clipping
- Week 3: Introduction to more toys, textures, sounds and goats’ milk
- Week 4: Met a new dog, getting more outside time, beginning to wean pups off mom
- Week 5: getting started on housetraining, crate training, recall (come when called) and eating a raw diet
- Week 6: field trip offsite, Puppy Party, new people and beginning clicker training
- Week 7: field trips – horse barn, farmers market and a pool party!
- Week 8: more field trips, temperament and conformation evaluations, and heading to new homes
- Setting up for a new puppy
- Road trip to North Carolina to pick up our Vizsla puppy, Zooka
- Introducing your new puppy to your resident dog
- Week 9: pick up Zooka from the breeder in North Carolina and settle in at home in Colorado with our eating, exercise, training and sleeping routines
- Weeks 10 and 11: intro to new dogs, field trip, kiddie pool and new obstacles
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, puppy training session in new places like a local park
- Zooka intro to the puppy kiddie pool at 10.5 weeks
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, what puppy walks should look like
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, safely introducing your puppy to new dogs
- Zooka 11 week old Vizsla puppy self play with inappropriate objects
- Puppy and adult dog play: Zooka at 11 weeks with Ollie
- Week 12: Pool party, more play dates, continued training, more field trips
- Supervised appropriate puppy play: Zooka, 12 week old Vizsla in Puppy Class
- Week 13: More play dates, more field trips, continue Puppy Class, start Shaping in our training
- Week 14: More play dates, more training, more field trips
- Puzzle toys are great mental stimulation for puppies, Zooka @ 14 weeks
- Appropriate play between puppy and adult dog: Zooka @ 14 weeks with Loki
- Zooka, puppy napping in his crate
- Zooka’s ER visit and surgery
- Week 15: Play date, pool party, ER visit, surgery for rock obstructing his GI system
- Puzzle toys and mental stimulation for a dog on limited exercise or surgery recovery, Zooka @ 15 weeks
- Puppy leash manners on a hike, Zooka just under 4 months old at Snow Mountain Ranch
- Zooka puppy play with Power Tug Toy and BONUS GoPro blooper!
- Puppy toys for human-puppy play – go big or go home!
- Week 16: Lots more training; more mental stimulation due to limited activity for surgery recuperation
- Zooka < 4 months old climbing on a tree stump at Snow Mountain Ranch
- Week 17: continued limited physical activity; more training & mental stimulation; return to walks & field trips
- Week 18: lots of play dates, more outings, raising expectations and adding new things into our training
- Week 19: progressing with training, continue play dates and outings, discovered the joy of DIGGING!
- Week 20: traversing full flight of stairs on his own; continuing training, outings and play dates
- Week 21: Losing puppy teeth, more play dates, and our first overnight trip to the mountains!
- Week 22: continued stay away from home and learning first steps to a fetch/retrieve
- Week 23: continued training w Heel, Fetch, Stay, etc.; first overnight human visitor, lots of play with other dogs
- Week 24: fear/sensitive period, continued work on social skills, and the baby teeth are almost gone!
- Week 25: new cues for training, allowing more access in the house, and his puppy teeth are gone!
- Week 26: focus on ramping up training and expanding field trips; plus more SNOW!
- Week 27: 6 months old, vet visit, and an off leash play date!
- Week 28: a big field trip and a big test of his abilities in public this week!
- Week 29: Zooka’s big road trip #2! Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and New Mexico
- Week 30: teaching Zooka to use a scratchboard for nail filing, continue training and play dates
- Week 31: turns 7 months old, how did that happen?! Dog adolescence is in full swing
- Weeks 32 through 35 / 8th month – adolescence, marking, and starting our off leash work
- Walk the dinosaur – I mean, the dog. Leash manners with Zooka
- 9th month / Weeks 36-39: adolescence in full swing, countersurfing, and other fun things!
- Zooka training session – Heel, Fetch & other stuff
- What is your dog’s personality? Zooka’s personality or temperament examined
- 10th month / Weeks 40-44: more adolescent antics, humping, advancing our training and continued socialization
- Does your dog chase cars? Zooka is thinking about it
- Hiking/walking with your dog: Zooka, 10 month old Vizsla @ Dawson Butte
- 11th month / Weeks 45-48: working on NOT chasing, upping some of our training challenges, continued socializing
- 12th month / Weeks 49-52: turning ONE YEAR OLD! plus fewer outings due to stay-at-home order during this pandemic, more training at home
- Zooka’s Funny Faces
- 13th Month / Weeks 53-57: some training progress and some back to basics, an injury limits his activities
- 14th Month / Weeks 58-61: more outings, first encounter with a bull snake, continued training
- 15th Month / Weeks 62-65: more outings, more visiting dogs, continuing classes for Zooka
- Just for fun – Zooka loves playing in the water from the hose
- What a tuned-in walk with your dog looks like: Zooka at 14 months
- 16th Month / Weeks 66-70: more hikes, group classes, and helping with demos and training other dogs
- 17th Month / Weeks 71-75: more hiking, a stay in the mountains, and lots of snuggling!
- 18th Month / Weeks 76-79: progress of two steps forward, one step back
- 19th Month / Weeks 80-83: addressing his nemeses, getting in the van and slippery floors
- 20th Month / Weeks 84-87: a month of some progress and no regressions
- 21st Month / Weeks 88-92: adjusting to his new younger brother
- 22nd Month / Weeks 93-96: Zooka and his brother Blitzen learn how hard it can be to share!
- 23rd Month / Weeks 97-100: Zooka’s roles as big brother and my assistant
- 24th Month / Weeks 101-105: Zooka is now TWO YEARS OLD!
- The Blitzen Bulletin: June & July 2021
- The Blitzen Bulletin: May 2021
- Can two intact male dogs live together?
- The Blitzen Bulletin: January, February, and March 2022
- Blitzen’s Breakfast Training Session Including Heel Work
- Zooka’s Polite Greeting at the Door
- The Blitzen Bulletin: April, May & June 2022
- Zooka & Blitzen’s Dramatic Door Manners
- Dog Parkour with Zooka & Blitzen
- The Blitzen Bulletin: August & September 2022
- The Blitzen Bulletin: July 2022
- Recall/Come with Zooka and Blitzen
- Wait and Release at Gate, One Dog at a Time
- The Blitzen Bulletin: October, November & December 2022
Romeo's Adventures
- How Zuzu trained Romeo to stop humping her
- Weaning a dog off the crate
- Dogs need opportunities to be dogs!
- Remembering Romeo (my heart dog)
- In Memory of Romeo:June 8, 2009 – May 18, 2018
- Romeo: a birthday (2017) and the story behind his name
- Do dogs really develop a “taste for blood”?
- Does your dog trust you?
- Happy birthday Romeo! Our Vizsla turns 3 (June 2012)
- Where did Momma go?
- What’s the “magic” number for maturity?
- Could massage help your dog?
- The ultimate “drop it” test – baby bunnies version
- Dog social skills with puppies
- What is the most important thing you can teach your dog?
- Weaning a dog off the crate
- Exposure to new things: Romeo and the lambs
- Testing off-leash readiness, revisited
- What is the epitome of adolescence?
- How good is your dog's memory?
- What is your dog's hunting style?
- Testing off-leash readiness
- Celebrate the successes!
- Overcoming setbacks in training
- Walking your dog – is it really good exercise?
- Hide and seek with your dogs
- Does one adolescent dog and four young boys mean chaos?
- Is your dog a retriever?
- What does it take to wear out your dog?
- Why does snow make dogs go crazy?
- Romeo's recuperation – no running or jumping?!
- Romeo's neuter – was it harder on him or me?
- Does your dog's reliability change with the context?
- Romeo's favorite napping spot invaded!
- Is your dog a good traveler?
- Hiking with Romeo: it's an adventure!
- Celebrating an anniversary
- Putting “leave it” to the test
- Did my dog eat a toxic plant?
- Does your dog have a job?
- Favorite chew items for dogs?
- The boy (dog) who cried wolf
- 14 months – on the road to maturity, but a long way to go!
- “Irrational” fears are not always irrational
- When your dog doesn’t care about your treats
- Is your dog distracted at the start of training class?
The Zooka Tales
- Recall/Come with Zooka and Blitzen
- The Great Bunny Escape
- Dog Parkour with Zooka & Blitzen
- Zooka & Blitzen’s Dramatic Door Manners
- Zooka’s Polite Greeting at the Door
- Can two intact male dogs live together?
- Zooka’s Rules to the Elaborate Game of Chase
- 24th Month / Weeks 101-105: Zooka is now TWO YEARS OLD!
- 23rd Month / Weeks 97-100: Zooka’s roles as big brother and my assistant
- 22nd Month / Weeks 93-96: Zooka and his brother Blitzen learn how hard it can be to share!
- 21st Month / Weeks 88-92: adjusting to his new younger brother
- 20th Month / Weeks 84-87: a month of some progress and no regressions
- 19th Month / Weeks 80-83: addressing his nemeses, getting in the van and slippery floors
- 18th Month / Weeks 76-79: progress of two steps forward, one step back
- 17th Month / Weeks 71-75: more hiking, a stay in the mountains, and lots of snuggling!
- 16th Month / Weeks 66-70: more hikes, group classes, and helping with demos and training other dogs
- Does your dog howl?
- What a tuned-in walk with your dog looks like: Zooka at 14 months
- Just for fun – Zooka loves playing in the water from the hose
- 15th Month / Weeks 62-65: more outings, more visiting dogs, continuing classes for Zooka
- Zooka’s “play date” with the stuffed dog
- Puppy toys for human-puppy play – go big or go home!
- 14th Month / Weeks 58-61: more outings, first encounter with a bull snake, continued training
- 13th Month / Weeks 53-57: some training progress and some back to basics, an injury limits his activities
- Zooka’s Funny Faces
- 12th month / Weeks 49-52: turning ONE YEAR OLD! plus fewer outings due to stay-at-home order during this pandemic, more training at home
- 11th month / Weeks 45-48: working on NOT chasing, upping some of our training challenges, continued socializing
- Hiking/walking with your dog: Zooka, 10 month old Vizsla @ Dawson Butte
- Supervised appropriate puppy play: Zooka, 12 week old Vizsla in Puppy Class
- Zooka 11 week old Vizsla puppy self play with inappropriate objects
- Zooka puppy play with Power Tug Toy and BONUS GoPro blooper!
- Puppy and adult dog play: Zooka at 11 weeks with Ollie
- Appropriate play between puppy and adult dog: Zooka @ 14 weeks with Loki
- Zooka, puppy napping in his crate
- Puppy leash manners on a hike, Zooka just under 4 months old at Snow Mountain Ranch
- Zooka < 4 months old climbing on a tree stump at Snow Mountain Ranch
- Puzzle toys and mental stimulation for a dog on limited exercise or surgery recovery, Zooka @ 15 weeks
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, puppy training session in new places like a local park
- Does your dog chase cars? Zooka is thinking about it
- Puzzle toys are great mental stimulation for puppies, Zooka @ 14 weeks
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, safely introducing your puppy to new dogs
- Zooka @ 10.5 weeks, what puppy walks should look like
- Zooka intro to the puppy kiddie pool at 10.5 weeks
- 10th month / Weeks 40-44: more adolescent antics, humping, advancing our training and continued socialization
- What is your dog’s personality? Zooka’s personality or temperament examined
- Dealing with your dog’s distractions: Zooka on a walk edition
- 9th month / Weeks 36-39: adolescence in full swing, countersurfing, and other fun things!
- Walk the dinosaur – I mean, the dog. Leash manners with Zooka
- Weeks 32 through 35 / 8th month – adolescence, marking, and starting our off leash work
- Week 31: turns 7 months old, how did that happen?! Dog adolescence is in full swing
- Week 30: teaching Zooka to use a scratchboard for nail filing, continue training and play dates
- Week 29: Zooka’s big road trip #2! Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and New Mexico
- Week 28: a big field trip and a big test of his abilities in public this week!
- Week 27: 6 months old, vet visit, and an off leash play date!
- Week 26: focus on ramping up training and expanding field trips; plus more SNOW!
- Zooka’s new game: Full Contact Fetch!
- Week 25: new cues for training, allowing more access in the house, and his puppy teeth are gone!
- Fear periods or sensitive periods for puppies – Zooka goes through one
- Week 24: fear/sensitive period, continued work on social skills, and the baby teeth are almost gone!
- Buried treasure. Does your dog bury things? Zooka does!
- Week 23: continued training w Heel, Fetch, Stay, etc.; first overnight human visitor, lots of play with other dogs
- Week 22: continued stay away from home and learning first steps to a fetch/retrieve
- Week 21: Losing puppy teeth, more play dates, and our first overnight trip to the mountains!
- Week 20: traversing full flight of stairs on his own; continuing training, outings and play dates
- Week 19: progressing with training, continue play dates and outings, discovered the joy of DIGGING!
- Week 18: lots of play dates, more outings, raising expectations and adding new things into our training
- Week 17: continued limited physical activity; more training & mental stimulation; return to walks & field trips
- Week 16: Lots more training; more mental stimulation due to limited activity for surgery recuperation
- Week 15: Play date, pool party, ER visit, surgery for rock obstructing his GI system
- Zooka’s ER visit and surgery
- Week 14: More play dates, more training, more field trips
- Week 13: More play dates, more field trips, continue Puppy Class, start Shaping in our training
- Week 12: Pool party, more play dates, continued training, more field trips
- Weeks 10 and 11: intro to new dogs, field trip, kiddie pool and new obstacles
- Week 9: pick up Zooka from the breeder in North Carolina and settle in at home in Colorado with our eating, exercise, training and sleeping routines
- Naming a dog: how Zooka got his name
- Road trip to North Carolina to pick up our Vizsla puppy, Zooka
- Week 8: more field trips, temperament and conformation evaluations, and heading to new homes
- Week 7: field trips – horse barn, farmers market and a pool party!
- Week 6: field trip offsite, Puppy Party, new people and beginning clicker training
- Week 5: getting started on housetraining, crate training, recall (come when called) and eating a raw diet
- Week 4: Met a new dog, getting more outside time, beginning to wean pups off mom
- Week 3: Introduction to more toys, textures, sounds and goats’ milk
- Week 2: introduction to stuffed animals, distinct odors through essential oils, sound desensitizing music and toenail clipping
- Week 1: Introduction to calming music and biosensor early neurological stimulation
The Zuzu Chronicles
- How Zuzu trained Romeo to stop humping her
- Follow your dog’s nose
- Missing Zuzu
- In memory of Zuzu: October 28, 2013 – June 30, 2019
- Is My Dog Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Deer
- My 2019 Spring Break Trip With Mom and Dad
- What is your dog’s favorite napping spot?
- Is your dog barking at nothing? Or is there really something there?
- Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Goats – Part 2
- Making Good Choices: Zuzu and the Goats – Part 1
- Zuzu's 5th Birthday
- Short video compilation of Zuzu, our Greyhound and the goofy things she does
- Is your dog wearing ID?
- Close encounters of the snake variety with our dog
- Overcoming fear of novel things
The Blitzen Bulletin
- The Blitzen Bulletin: October, November & December 2022
- Recall/Come with Zooka and Blitzen
- The Blitzen Bulletin: August & September 2022
- The Blitzen Bulletin: July 2022
- The Blitzen Bulletin: April, May & June 2022
- The Great Bunny Escape
- Dog Parkour with Zooka & Blitzen
- Blitzen's Polite Greeting at the Door
- Zooka & Blitzen’s Dramatic Door Manners
- Blitzen’s Breakfast Training Session Including Heel Work
- The Blitzen Bulletin: January, February, and March 2022
- The Blitzen Bulletin: October, November & December 2021
- The Blitzen Bulletin: August & September 2021
- The Blitzen Bulletin: June & July 2021
- The Blitzen Bulletin: May 2021
- The Blitzen Bulletin: March & April 2021
- Blitzen Bulletin: January & February 2021
- 22nd Month / Weeks 93-96: Zooka and his brother Blitzen learn how hard it can be to share!
- Meet Blitzen, an 8 month old Vizsla and our newest addition to the family
Services & Products
- Agility for Fun
- Ask The Trainer E-Book
- Basic Training 7-Session Dog Training Class For Adult Dogs 5 Months and Older
- Basic Training Online Course
- Basic Training Package
- Canine Good Citizen Test Preparation Class and CGC Test
- Capturing The Light of Your Dog: Photography Class With Your Dog
- CLIENT CORNER For Puppy and Basic 7-Session Dog Training Classes
- Distracted Dogs
- Dog Boarding for Adult Dogs
- Dog Boarding for Puppies
- Dog Parkour
- Dogs Unleashed
- Donation To The Light of Dog
- Feisty Fido
- Fun & Games
- Get Fit Class
- Gift Certificates From The Light of Dog
- How To Make Healthy Food Choices For Your Dog
- Impulse Control Dog Training Handout and Video Resource
- Intermediate Training
- Juvenile Delinquent Dogs Book
- Juvenile Delinquents: Mind Your Manners
- Lunchtime Learning
- Nature walk at The Light of Dog Farm
- Peak Power Bone Broth 30 ounce
- Peak Power Bone Broth 15 Ounce
- Peak Power Chicken Crunchers – Bulk Package
- Peak Power Chicken Crunchers – Standard Package
- Peak Power Dog Treats Beef – Bulk Package
- Peak Power Dog Treats Beef – Standard Package
- Peak Power Dog Treats Chicken – Bulk Package
- Peak Power Dog Treats Chicken – Standard Package
- Peak Power Dog Treats Liver – Bulk Package
- Peak Power Dog Treats Liver – Standard Package
- Peak Power Eggshell Powder or Bone Meal
- Peak Power Immune Booster
- Peak Power Raw Dog Food – Beef Blend
- Peak Power Raw Dog Food – Beef & Chicken Blend
- Peak Power Snack Stuffers – Bulk Package
- Peak Power Superfood Supplement
- Polite Pooches in Public
- Power Tugs Natural Fiber Dog Tug Toy
- Peak Power Tug Natural Fiber Dog Tug Toy Mini
- Private Consultation & Training Package, Five Sessions: We Come To Your Home
- Private Consultation & Training Package, Five Sessions: Sessions At The Light of Dog Farm
- Private Consultation & Training Package, Five Sessions: Phone and Video Conference Consult
- Private Consultation & Training, Follow-up Session: We Come To Your Home
- Private Consultation & Training, Follow-up Session: Session At The Light of Dog Farm
- Private Consultation & Training, Follow-up Session: Phone and Video Conference Consult
- Private Consultation & Training, Follow-up Training Package, Five Sessions: We Come To Your Home
- Private Consultation & Training, Follow-up Training Package, Five Sessions: Sessions At The Light of Dog Farm
- Private Consultation & Training, Follow-up Training Package, Five Sessions: Phone and Video Conference Consult
- Private Consultation & Training, Initial Session: We Come To Your Home
- Private Consultation & Training, Initial Session: Session At The Light of Dog Farm
- Private Consultation & Training, Initial Session: Phone and Video Conference Consult
- Private Training Session During Boarding Stay
- Puppy Nipping Dog Training Handout and Video Resource
- Puppy Preschool 7-Session Puppy Dog Training Class
- Puppy Preschool Package
- Rabbit Recall
- Rally Obedience for Fun
- Raw Dog Food Preparation Video & Guide
- Raw Dog Food Transition Guide & Frequently Asked Questions
- Service Dog Training
- Shock Free Rattlesnake Avoidance Training
- Single Class Purchase
- The Light of Dog Infographics
- The Nose Knows
- Therapy Dog Class
- Tricks for Treats
- Tricks To Teach Adult Dogs To Keep Their Brain Active And Healthy